trip to paris, england

2011-04-23 12:35 am
I am going to visit my friend in Liverpool in the mid June this year and i would stay there with her for arounf 6 days, I we plan to visit places around that is close to Liverpool, like Leeds, Yorks, Southport and would you suggest any cheaper transportation that go there and we go will go back to Liverpool after the visiting every nights.Please give me some suggestion cause my friend do not know much around liverpool also and I am 21 years old with international student ID card, would you suggest me to buy a pass or is there any discount in terms of trabsportation that i can benefit from ? Please also tell me other than Leeds, Yorks and Southport where can i travel which is close to liverpool. Thanks so much . We want to travel to London from Liverpool after the 6 days, would you suggest any hostel or cheap hotel that we (2 girls) can stay safely? I am leaving London to Paris CDG on 1 july, , please suggest the cheapest way to go there from London, Thanks

回答 (1)

2011-04-23 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) would you suggest any cheaper transportation that go there

>> 最平就係rail 了, 因為佢地之間好少會有bus 果d link 住, 而rail 好就好在, 你可以買定ticket 先, 如果有rail card亦會有discount, 同埋準時嘛:)

2) would you suggest me to buy a pass or is there any discount in terms of trabsportation that i can benefit from

>> 如果你係去得多地方既, 咁我會suggest 你買rail card, 因為英國既railway, 有rail card 先可以平既, 好似我咁就咁用張student card 去都唔會平俾我-,-" 但我見你只係去3個地方, 咁其實買唔買都冇分別既, 因為一張card 要20gbp, 可以你去完3個地方, 用rail card 慳番黎既錢都只係差唔多20gbp, 去多d 地方先抵既.

3) Please also tell me other than Leeds, Yorks and Southport where can i travel which is close to liverpool

>> 你亦可以考慮去YORK, 果度有rail museum, 亦有城牆睇, 唔錯既. manchester 好近liverpool 架bor, 唔解唔去埋呢? 果度亦有china town, 可以去果度食下chinese, 亦有好多景點既.

4) would you suggest any hostel or cheap hotel that we (2 girls) can stay safely?

>> 如果係想平而又safe 既, youth hostel 係最好既choice, 因為係ymca 開既,入住既人都唔會話差得去邊既:

>> 因為london 住既點都會費, hotel, 1xxgbp 一晚一定走唔甩, 所以, 最好你都係搵youth hostel, 青年旅社可以會好一d, 仲有一間係係zone 1既:

5) I am leaving London to Paris CDG on 1 july, , please suggest the cheapest way to go there from London

>> 如果係去想巴黎既話, 可以係網上買定euro star 既車票:
如果係去TRIP 既, 上而可以book 埋hotel 既, 如果唔係去trip既話, 只買車票亦可, euro star 係係london 出發既, 如果你唔鍾意, 你亦可以揀坐飛機去既:

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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