present?simple present tense?

2011-04-22 4:50 pm
我想知present tense同simple present tense分別係用係咩地方??
同埋我想問咁past同simple past既分別又係咩?係咩情況下會用past同simple past??
simple past又同simple present有咩分別??

回答 (4)

2011-04-22 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 用'now' 係present continuous tense(現在進行式)
2. simple present tense (現在式)係用”every day,every week,every month,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,seldom”等等
3. past同simple past係冇分別ga!!
4. past tense用係”yesterday,last,ago,last night,last month,just now,this morning” 等等

5. simple past同simple present 兩個分別係”易D嘅past tense”同”易D嘅present tense”
2011-04-22 7:51 pm
Simple Present Tense(Present Tense)
Simple Past Tense(Past Tense)

2011-04-22 11:51:32 補充:
present tense同simple present tense分別係??
present tense=simple present tense

present tense用係咩地方??
We use the simple present tense when: the action is general the action happens all the time, or habitually, in the past, present and future the action is not only happening now the statement is always true
Look at these examples: I live in New York. The Moon goes round the Earth. John drives a taxi. He does not drive a bus. We meet every Thursday. We do not work at night. Do you play football?

past同simple past既分別又係咩?
past tense=simple past tense

past tense用係咩地方??
We use the simple past tense when:the event is in the past the event is completely finished we say (or understand) the time and/or place of the event
Here are some more examples:I lived in that house when I was young. He didn't like the movie. What did you eat for dinner? John drove to London on Monday. Mary did not go to work yesterday. Did you play tennis last week? I was at work yesterday. We were not late (for the train). Were you angry?
2011-04-22 7:05 pm
present tense = simple present* + present continuous + present perfect** + present perfect continuous

past tense = simple past* + past continuous + past perfect + past perfect continuous

*又名simple present/past


2011-04-22 11:05:54 補充:
我想說的是,又名present/past simple

2011-04-22 11:10:12 補充:

I am now doing my homework.
He no longer picks his nose now.
I've been waiting for ten hours now!
The clock struck twelve. She was now crying more softly. (只限故事)
Now, where are you going? (哈哈~說笑而已,這個不算)
2011-04-22 5:40 pm
SIMPLE PRESENT/PAST = PRESENT/PAST,其實個simple字沒有意思,只是全寫,就是咁easy,兩者也是一樣野來的

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