中文翻英文 urgent!!!!

2011-04-22 7:02 am
1. 抵死惹笑的情節2. 兒戲3. 留下的情節伏筆非要人追看不可, 要一口氣看完才能罷休的書。4. 發揮得淋漓盡致5. 這令讀者即使是看高潮迭起的緊湊情節時也會忍俊不禁6. 書中散發的正能量洗滌了讀者的心靈7. 這是令人鼓舞的當主角戰勝一個又一個難關8. 電視劇大多勾心鬥角9. 間中加插一些搞笑情節於緊張劇情中能營造一種一放一收的氣氛10. 小說反映出現今傳媒誇張失實的報導風氣11. 悲慘的童年沒有令他走上歪路, 反而增長了他的毅力


回答 (3)

2011-04-24 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) very joking and laughter episode;
2) kids play;
3) This book tried to conceal lots of interesting stories that one could'nt resist its temptations without reading its ending;
4) With extraordinery and superior scenario based on the original script;
5) The ups and downs fortunes as well as the thrilling story had aroused the inspiration of readers;
6) This book had generated positive momentum to clear out the soul of readers.
7) It's rather exciting to watch when the actor fought and conquered the enemies one by one with lots of his own efforts;
8) Most of the TV Drama were showdowns against each other or one another;
9) To insert between each episode, that joking and funny drama would create effective mood;
10) This novel has reflected the motives of exaggerated and faulty statements by the news media;
11) He had stepped up his courage and doing things in the right direction, though he had a miserable childhood.
2011-04-26 8:09 pm
1. hilarious plot Mid Road Gang
2. Importance of Being Earnest
3. left plot foreshadowing not have to watch people recover, to give up to read the bookin one breath.
4. on its head
5. This makes the reader even on the climax of the compact will help laughing when the circumstances
6. The book is distributed by the reader's mind power washing
7. This is encouraging when the protagonist overcome difficulties one after another
8. TV most of the intrigue
9. occasionally inserted some funny plot to create a tension in the plot to put acollection of the atmosphere of a
10. novels reflect the current trend of media reports exaggerated
11. tragic childhood does not make him go crooked road, but an increase of his perseverance

參考: me
2011-04-23 12:30 am
1. hilarious plot Mid Road Gang

2. Importance of Being Earnest

3. left plot foreshadowing not have to watch people recover, to give up to read the book in one breath.

4. on its head

5. This makes the reader even on the climax of the compact will help laughing when the circumstances

6. The book is distributed by the reader's mind power washing

7. This is encouraging when the protagonist overcome difficulties one after another

8. TV most of the intrigue

9. occasionally inserted some funny plot to create a tension in the plot to put a collection of the atmosphere of a

10. novels reflect the current trend of media reports exaggerated

11. tragic childhood does not make him go crooked road, but an increase of his perseverance

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:56:43
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