Advantages and disadvantages of not having children?

2011-04-20 11:22 pm
Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of not having children

Most people who choose to have children consider them. Some people who don't choose to having children is good, but the people needs to take responsibility to having your own. For example, if you are not having children is good, but it is also having a great time so you can enjoy yourselves, and there are many advantages and disadvantages of not having children.

There are advantages to not having children. One advantage of not having children is that people can have more free time. Another advantage of not having children is that the people don't need to spend their money on their children so they can go on a vacation. Finally, the advantage of not having children is less responsibility and less worry about themselves.

There are also disadvantages to not having children. One disadvantage of not having children is no one to take care of you in your old age. Another disadvantage of not having children is to miss out on a rewarding experience in life, taking care of children can be very fulfilling. Finally, the disadvantage of having children is may not learn how to love and care for the others.

In conclusion, people choose to not having children are the only option in conservative families. There are advantages and disadvantages of not having children. One option is advantage of not having children are saves more money to spend yourself, less responsibility, less worries, and more free time. And the other option is disadvantages of not having children is no one to care of yourself with no familiy to share with, you will miss out on a rewarding experience in your life, you may not learn how to love and care for the others, and you can learn a lot from their children. In the present, most people will not having children is a good way to start with.

I just wrote my advantages and disadvantages of not having children, so you correct my paragraph, and please let me know about my essay writing.

回答 (2)

2011-04-24 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have covered about both sides of the debate.
What Ben Franklin did was to take a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle and at the top of the left side printed "Advantages (or Pro)" and on the right side put "Disadvantages (or con)."
Then he would begin listing all the positives and negatives of whatever problem he faced.
So on the "Advantages of "NOT" having children I would list:
1- No long term commitments or hassles of child rearing. That includes their education, when they get sick, spending time at their sporting events, no school functions, etc, etc.
2- More money saved for future benefits, i.e. vacations, retirement, personal things I want.
3- Complete freedom, nothing holding me back, to get up and move or relocate at anytime.
4- Do my own thing not having to worry about making so much money that I can't make ends meet.
5- New car or "show" car whenever I want one.

Advantages of "HAVING" Children:
1- Bring joy and happiness in a home.
2- Loving and caring of little ones that show unconditional and undying love for us.
3- Celebrating happy events like birthday parties,
3a- Opening Christmas presents,
3b- Easter egg hunts,
3c- Learning to ride their first bicycle,
3d- Playing catch in the back yard,
3e- Helping with home work,
3f- Attending sporting events that make them happy,
3g- Taking little weekend trips,
3h- Adinfinitum....
4- If you need their help they will be there for you when you get older.
5- Let's not forget those loving "grandchildren" that will visit grandma & grandpa on their birthdays.

That should be enough for now.
Have a great Easter.
2016-04-30 1:48 pm
Advantages - too many to list. The love, the pride, the whole experience, its wonderful. Even pregnancy and labour, I loved it! (Possible) disadvantages - loss of independence/freedom, they are hard work and can leave you broke. But these are trifling disadvantages which are far more outweighed by the wonderful things being a parent brings. I love my son, he's my whole life and I honestly can't say that I miss my old busy, socialising life. I'd cuddle up at home with my gorgeous little man and watch Teletubbies, lol!!!

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