關於 strength of hydrogen bond

2011-04-19 12:22 am
1) 在計算hydrogen bonds between molecules of ethanol and between molecules of trichloromethane and ethyl ethanoate 時
是否要加上glass的energy (mC△T) ?
資料中只給了specific heat capacity,它的mass是另外計出來,還是..?

2)在計算完energy released by trichloromethane and ethyl ethanoate後
應該要把toltal released energy / no. of moles ;
想請問這個no. of moles 應用 trichloromethane 的,還是ethyl ethanoate?


回答 (1)

2011-04-19 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 在計算hydrogen bonds between molecules of ethanol and between molecules of trichloromethane and ethyl ethanoate 時
是否要加上glass的energy (mC△T) ?
資料中只給了specific heat capacity,它的mass是另外計出來,還是..?

In the experiment, the mass of the beaker (m) is found by weighing it with an electronic balance. The temperature change is also determined in the experiment. The specific heat capacity (c) is given in the laboratory worksheet. Therefore, the energy absorbed by the beaker can be calculated by using the formula:
Energy absorbed (or released) = mCΔT
(Usually, an expanded polystyrene cup is used instead of a glass beaker in order to reduce the heat loss to the surroundings.)

= = = = =
2)在計算完energy released by trichloromethane and ethyl ethanoate後
應該要把toltal released energy / no. of moles ;
想請問這個no. of moles 應用 trichloromethane 的,還是ethyl ethanoate?

Each trichloromethane molecule can form at most 1 hydrogen bond, while each ethyl ethanoate molecule can form at most 2 hydrogen bonds.

If (No. of moles of ethyl ethanoate) > (No. of moles of trichloromethane), ethyl ethanoate is in excess. It is assumed that trichloromethane forms the maximum number of hydrogen bonds, i.e.
No. of moles of hydrogen bonds = No. of moles of trichloromethane.

If (No. of moles of trichloromethane) > (No. of moles of ethyl ethanoate), tichloromethane is in excess. It is assumed that ethyl ethanoate forms the maximum number of hydrogen bonds, i.e.
No. of moles of hydrogen bonds = 2 x (No. of moles of ethyl ethanoate)

To simplify the calculation, usually ethyl ethanoate is in excess.
參考: miraco

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