Why is humbleness important? Your opinion?

2011-04-17 5:59 pm
Ok, so I'm doing this essay about people's opinion about humbleness and I want yours. Can you guys give me 4 reasons or more of why is humbleness is important? I want like real reasons, not stupid ones. So, you should say: Humbleness is important to me because xxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, and xxxxx. Thank you so much!!

回答 (12)

2011-04-17 7:32 pm
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Blessings and Light to all. I believe that humbleness is important because People are creatures, totally dependent creatures, who exist and continue to live only because God made and sustains them. It is amazing that the dust of the earth can have a conversation with God who is Almighty God (Genesis 2:7, Job 10:9, 21:15). Therefore, a person who prays must pray humbly before such an Almighty Creator (Rev. 4:11, 5:12), always recognizing who he is and who God is.

Not only are people creatures, but also they are wicked, rebellious creatures. The fact that God wants sinners to speak to Him is grace.
Humbleness is to know the value of oneself, to avoid pride, or disregarding the truth and underestimating people. Humbleness is for one who is important and significant and he fears to gain notoriety or to become too great among people. As it was said, "Humble yourself, you will be as a glimmering star to the viewer on the surface of the water even if it is lofty." We don't say to an ordinary person, "Humble yourself." But it is said to him, "Know the value of yourself, and do not place it in the wrong place!" Humbleness is that one should humble himself with his companions. Frequently when the spirit of competition and envy is agitated between companions and rivals, a person may feel superior over his companion, he may be pleased by harming him, degrading his value and importance, accusing him of defects or exaggerating his faults. Faults that may have come to light when seeking advice, or correction. In reality this is what is called jealousy. Humbleness is to humble oneself to one who is below you. If you find someone who is younger than you, or of less importance than you, you should not despise him, because he might have a better heart than you, or be less sinful, or closer to God than you. Even if you see a sinful person and you are righteous, do not act in arrogance towards him, and thank God that He saved you from the tribulation that He put him through. Remember that there might be some riyal or vanity in your righteous deeds that may cause them to be of no avail, and that this sinful person may be regretful and fearful concerning his bad deeds, and this may be the cause of forgiveness of his sins.. Very interesting question. I like it.
2011-04-17 6:17 pm
Our Lord, Jesus Christ is God. He is all-powerful, all wise, and the Creator of all things. Who else would have such reasons to be boastful or proud? Yet, the Bible shows Him to be the very essence of humility during His ministry on Earth.

The Bible tells us that "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble'. Surely a certification of humbleness as a virtue.

We are commended to "walk, as He walked". Logically, a person who is humble will attract more favorable impressions of himself and God, than a flashy, car salesman type.

I have been both in my life, and can tell you that being proud and arrogant carries a lot more emotional baggage with them, while humility brings peace and contentment.
2011-04-17 6:02 pm
Being humble is important because it keeps one from getting a big head. Everyone must remember that their circumstances can change for better or worse at any given moment, and being humble keeps us in check for that. I believe it is entwined with karma, and is a balance that keeps us from judging others. We could very well have to walk in their shoes one fine day...
2011-04-17 6:02 pm
bc self-denial & humility is the only way to be reconciled with God. self-righteousness is damning & that's why most humans will spend eternity with a fully-informed conscience & no physical brain to filter the conscience; no excuses, no cop-outs, just eternal self.

If not for repentance to a holy God, then self-righteousness is virtuous as humility is depreciating. without God, there is only survival of the fittest ftw
2011-04-17 6:01 pm
Humbleness is important to me because no one likes a tool. Pompousness runs rampant on the Internets.
2011-04-17 6:23 pm
A humble spirit is ready to invite the Spirit of God. Fear of the Lord[meaning reverence to the Almighty God] is the beginning of wisdom. I could not get further in my walk with the Lord until I humbled myself to His sovereign power. Only then could I gain understanding of the truth of His word.
2011-04-17 6:22 pm
By humbleness, I assume you mean humility- the act of being humble. =)

-Humility is important because it will aid one in times of adversity. If calamity comes, humility enables a person to hold up and endure.

-Humility is important because “Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.” (Proverbs 16:16). Too much pride causes all sorts of unnecessary problems.

-Humility is important in maintaining healthy relationships with others. No one wants to be around someone who thinks they are better than everyone else, or that finds it hard to apologize when they should, or always wants their own way.

-Humility is important because God himself includes humility among his qualities. This is not because there is any inferiority on his part or any submission to others. Rather, he shows humility in exercising mercy and great compassion.

Humility is an attractive quality & is amazing in it's power to have other beautiful qualities follow. You could say that humility is the doorway to open you up to self-improvement.
參考: The Bible, NWT Watchtower- June 15, 2008
2011-04-17 6:12 pm
Well, for starters I think it is a more realistic assessment of your abilities. Once one is proud, arrogant, and super confident that is often is when one is ready for a fall, in that they usually don't know half of what they think they know. So if you recognize from the start that you probably don't know much (a form of humility) you would be more careful in your assessments of others, life, and yourself.
參考: carefulnesshelps.org
2011-04-17 6:10 pm
My egoism will be killed. I get the Patience to hear even a child. i get a chance to listen everybody opinion and analyse it and come to a conclusion. there is no meed for me to force my ideas on others lastly I get respect from every body
2011-04-17 6:08 pm
i think this assumes that everyone agrees humbleness is important. i don't. Humbleness is about downplaying your own talents, which is a form of dishonesty. Humbleness is a religious concept which is about not questioning , always putting your own opinions beneath those of a priesthood etc.
2011-04-17 6:07 pm
Humbleness is very important -- because if I fail to tell people how humble I am, nobody will know just how wonderful I have managed to become.

Of course, there's the old story about the church that gave their pastor a medal for being so humble -- but they took it away from him when he started wearing it.
2011-04-17 6:07 pm
It supports the attitude that everyone is "created equal".
it is taken as a sign of immaturity to boast about yourself,
more people will respect you, leading you to be accepted by others,

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