我隻USB手指壞左攞唔番D野出黎, 點算?

2011-04-18 4:15 am
我隻USB前幾日用用吓部電腦就突然之間DETECT唔到, 變左「無法辨識的裝置」, 試過好多之蚊番出黎再插過都係咁。跟住插過落第二部機試都係咁。有無人可以話俾我知點算好啊, 入面好多重要野嫁:'(

插落去連手指上面棧燈都無著, 而電腦USB D插口位插其他野都正常用到, 所以應該係隻手拍本身壞

回答 (2)

2011-04-25 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

As the USB cannot be detected ( the light cannot open as well ), it is very likely this USB was out of order due to internal sector errors ( i.e. bad sector ), or the corruption of its own driver ( the driver has files deleted ).

Now the only hope is, if the problem arisen from second mistake ( i.e. driver has crashed ) you can still download it from the official website of memory stick manufacturer, and then it will run properly again. Else, if the problem was due to the first possibility, it is likely you cannot load the files again as you cannot detect it.

You can attempt using another computer to check if the memory stick can be detected, even I am not so optimistic. In the future, please make sure you have at least 2 places more to save your files, one is the external hard-disk ( my recommendation ). This can minimize the lost should one driver has problem.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-04-18 7:01 am
咩係 [手拍]?
{我隻USB前幾日用用吓部電腦就突然之間DETECT唔到, 變左「無法辨識的裝置」, 試過好多之蚊番出黎再插過都係咁。跟住插過落第二部機試都係咁。有無人可以話俾我知點算好啊, 入面好多重要野嫁:'(}

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