兩星期前 我跑步的時候 右大腿後側 突然有種 啪 了一下的感覺
起初以為沒事 休息了兩星期 但近日再跑步一再全力衝刺 後 來了
到現在只要一申直成隻腳 果個位就會再痛
發生咩事 有什麼解救方法?
回答 (4)
why you report the problem so late??
you may sprain your hamstrings
but first I would like to ask some questions:
1. any pain when resting?
2. when bend your knee and contract the muscle on the back of your thigh, did pain rise?
3. you say there's pain when straighten up leg, what is the type of pain? stretching pain? sharp pain? dull pain?
4. where's the pain, can you describe it further? how deep is the pain (deep/ supf)?
5. any swelling and pain when touching the position
6. did you try ice and elevation? does that help?
try to answer those questions, if you have pain when contraction, decrease strength when bending knee, streatching intermittent pain when straighten up, you're very likely to have your hamstring sprained.
try to use RICE principle for 2-3 days, if it's still not getting well, find a physiotherapist to have a check..
trust me, it's for your own sake, I've seen many patients not treating their injury in early stage, and their results are not satisfactory when they're trying the rehab in "late" stage
啪 之聲音,有撕斷筋之可能。看你的資料,不知道是業餘跑步,還是專業訓練?在受傷之後,要認真調理。基本原則:需要休養。不要再做 拉動傷處的動作及衝刺。(包括傷處的拉筋動作,或試一下還痛不痛的嘗試,這些都要減少或不做)調理機制:重複動作,會讓本來沒有完全修復的組織再次損傷。得不到正確的調理,肌肉組織會產生疤痕,而影響到組織的正常結構。 樂匯養生中心,本中心有專業的導師 運動人體損傷碩士,具有豐富的損傷調理經驗。希望可以幫到您。電話:
2011-04-18 18:48:24 補充:
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