Chinese people eat dogs?

2011-04-15 11:06 am
My mum just told me that chinese people eat cats and dogs..
I'I dont eat them and never have but some day i want to try it (not to be mean). But isn't that gross and sad?? Some people say bad things about it and start accusing chinese of being killers... So is my argument enough to support us:

Isnt eating dogs the same as everyone else who eats sheeps, pigs, cows, etc? Because they're all animals and all the animals are pets. So why is it so bad for one to eat dogs? If you guys think eating dogs is bad then you're also saying eating pigs are bad too right?? Just because dogs are loyal, pigs can be loyal too! And i know many americans who eat turkey!!! YUCK! No chinese ever eat turkey!
I'm definetely not saying we should all eat these animals, but chinese dont eat it everyday! At the very most, people only eat them once a year! I love dogs, i own a gorgeous one, but im just saying... stop thinking eating them is making us a killer!

What do you guys think?
On my side, or the side who thinks eating dogs and all is bad>

回答 (14)

2011-04-15 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Koreans are especially fond of Dog.

They call it fragrant meat.
2011-04-15 11:09 am
Although I wouldn't eat dog, or horse or any animal I may have a fondness of some kind toward, I'm quite open minded & I don't judge cultural differences.
They (for example!) may find it odd that we eat chicken.
2011-04-15 11:21 am
It is not only about the ethical side of actually eating dog, I think most of us are mature enough to be able to relate between eating any other animal and eating dog.

However, I don't know about the Chinese, but the films that come out of Korea showing them skinning a dog alive and binding their front legs over their back and using old tin cans as muzzles, packing them into crates alive like this and then throwing the whole crate from a lorry to the ground is totally unforgivable and most certainly cruel to the point of being barbaric.

Nobody can support that.
2011-04-15 11:09 am
Your argument is something I agree with. I personally won't eat dog but I eat beef, pork, etc. There really is no difference. Like some people are vegetarians or even vegans. It's more personal choice. Humans are omnivores, we're built to eat meat and plants. There is no "right" or "wrong". It's more personal choice than anything.

Like when I eat beef, some vegan might tell me I'm a killer. I don't feel that way. That's my opinion. Same with someone who eats dog. I won't call them a killer. It's their choice.
2011-04-15 11:14 am
'Political Correctness' does not work in a consistent manner worldwide. It is 'correct' only for the society in which you live and only in context of prevailing fashionability.

So for me, in my Western society, it is anathema to eat dogs and that's how I genuinely feel about it.

That means I would not want Chinese or Koreans to eat dog in my country, but I can't argue against them doing so in their own, nor can I prevent it from colouring my opinion of them as being very cruel to eat pets and cram them in cages.
2011-04-15 11:08 am
your mom is wrong. its not Chinese. some Vietnamese people eat dogs and cats as they are somewhat in poverty and it is easy to breed these animals and they eat them.not all of them just the ones in the deep countries.
2016-05-01 3:59 am
The Chinese are not the only people to eat dog or cat. While living in Italy I ate meat sauce made from dog and it was quite good tasting. Some countries do it for economical reasons, others cultural. Personally I don't see the difference in that and some Americans eating turtle or squirrel. Maybe they just like it!!
2016-04-12 3:09 pm
acutally, man chinese loves eating sogs including me, i love to eat dogs and cats
2011-04-16 4:05 pm
I appreciate your open mind. The truth is Chinese people (a very very very small minority) eat dogs.(NO CATS, SORRY). In Guangdong, some of the older folks eat dogs, most stopped because it upsets the young people. In Taiwan, the same thing. In Korea, some of the older folks also eat dog, and ethnic Koreans in China eat dog. I guess you could say almost no one in China eats dog regularly. This is just a rumor. I have never met anyone who ate dog, or anyone who knew someone that ate dog...It is just so rare, especially since dogs are considered companions nowadays in China.
參考: Chinese in China
2011-04-15 11:49 am
Some chinese do , it might seem weird to us but if you think about it, it`s like eating a cow, we have just different mentality because he bread them as pets but still what`s the difference from other animals?

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