
2011-04-16 5:25 am
我想買把氣手槍主要係射吓靶過吓引,唔係用厘打war game。而我都幾鍾意USP個外型,
請問:1) 如果我要把較耐用、準嘅手槍,
MARUI H&K USP (電動) or
KSC H&K USP (氣動) 好D?
2) D兩把手槍賣幾錢?

3)預1000以下,請問有咩手槍好介紹? (耐用)

回答 (3)

2011-04-23 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1).電好...... 冇氣咁煩! But 氣平D......

2). 電:$1180 氣$870

3). Browning :
Length: 195mm
Box Length: 285mm
Weight: 810g

2011-04-27 9:31 am
KSC one is better, with recoil. On accuracy, Marui is better than KSC.
When gas inside the mag. start to run out, the accuracy tend decrease.
If your budget is $1000, I suggest WE or KJ (Proud series), mainly
because of marking and Full Metal.
2011-04-19 3:24 am
WE HI-CAP. 耐用! 啱晒你 "畢值"....
參考: 自己~

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