一間公司出錢代替coupon比啲顧客做獎勵 算係支出定人工?

2011-04-16 12:25 am
一間公司出錢代替coupon比啲顧客做獎勵 算係支出定人工?


回答 (3)

2011-04-20 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If your company paid cash to customers, you can record as Promotion expenses temporarily.
One thing, you must remember that the IRD will chase your actions seriously.
Your company must prepare documents for customers to sign and the cash should put into customers bank account directly or prepare cash orders with customers name.
And also, as this is a cash payment to customers, your customers should report to IRD as a income ( as the gift received is cash convertible or actually cash).

2011-04-17 5:10 pm
在香港, 只有馬會方能合法經營賭博事業。閣下, 工作的公司, 應該是非法營運了。
想一想, 只要將coupon看作籌碼。其他網友, 便容易明瞭了。
顧客用金錢買代幣, 作玩樂之用, 取得coupon, 及後, 換回金錢。與賭客購買籌碼, 作玩樂之用, 及後, 換回金錢。
兩者, 本質是一樣的。
2011-04-16 12:31 am
顧客係唔係staff 丫...?
唔係staff 又回會係人工呀...

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