msn hotmail 帳戶唔知點解被封鎖??

2011-04-15 10:14 pm
我明明琴日仲登入到 個HOTMAIL 同MSN

但因為個帳戶係好多年之前申請都唔知填過咩... E+點算?
有冇汰可以直接連絡HOTMAIL D人??

您的帳號已遭封鎖為什麼會看到此訊息?有人可能使用您的帳號發送大量垃圾郵件 (或做出違反 Windows Live 服務條款的行為)。
我們會在此協助您取回帳號。 您需要做什麼?我們會帶您完成一些步驟以確認您擁有該帳號,然後協助您變更密碼,以防有人已存取過您的帳號。只需幾分鐘的時間,您即可解除被封鎖的狀態並繼續使用帳號。我們已清除您的帳號設定您會看見此網頁通常是因為有人已存取您的帳號,並在您不知情的情況下使用該帳號濫發垃圾郵件。為了保護您和您的連絡人,我們已移除任何您之前可能擁有的 Hotmail 自動回覆或連結帳號。

回答 (2)

2011-04-25 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

You account seems to be hacked by hackers and they use your a/c to deliver lots of junk mails. Probably this is because you left your login information in some public-used computers, or your anti-spyware is not powerful to detect and to block the intentional hacking.

Now do not worry. What you need to do is follow its instructions and unlock your account. Of course, you need to change the password because the hackers hold your original password and they can reuse it for series of junk mail deliveries. It has no alternative but you must amend the password quickly.

From the message above, Hotmail would not delete the e-mails inside your accounts, and it will not remove your contact list as well. Only those automatically replied e-mails would be removed for safety purpose. That is fine. It has done the most to minimize your lost.

Again, no worry and just follow Hotmail's instructions to unlock the account step by step.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-04-15 11:50 pm

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