港人用錯了的英文字 - RUNDOWN

2011-04-15 9:39 pm
香港人常講 RUNDOWN 呢個字,例如:今日 function 的 rundown; 她的演唱會的 rundown; 兩人婚禮的 rundown...等,用的意思係指「程序」。

但其實英文的 RUNDOWN 的相關意思係:"a quick report or explanation of an idea, situation etc" (Longman, 5ed) 和 "an explanation or a description of something" (Oxford, 7ed)。


究竟港人是如何會搞到把 RUNDOWN 當作是「程序」?請英語高手多多發表高見。

上 Yahoo 搜尋打 RUNDOWN 搜索一下,把 RUNDOWN 用作「程序」的意思者,幾乎全部都是香港本地的網站!此為一大有力佐証也!究竟港人是如何會搞到把 RUNDOWN 當作是「程序」?請英語高手多多發表高見。而港人有冇諗住用多D心機學好D英呢?

回答 (3)

2011-04-16 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your point is valid, that "rundown" (not "run down" or "run-down", which are adjectives meaning "in bad shape") is a noun meaning "a brief summary".

I suppose the reason for the popular use of this word in Hong Kong to mean the programme of a concert or a wedding, the "itinerary" of a trip, or the "agenda" of a meeting etc., is because "rundown" does carry the meaning of "a point-by-point summary", and in a sense, a programme, an itinarary, or an agenda is a point-by-pont summary of the event.

2011-04-24 15:55:21 補充:
Can you imagine a Chinese going to England or the US, and pick on their language skills when people try to communicate with him in Chinese ?
參考: My past learning
2012-11-29 5:19 am


2011-04-15 11:34 pm
Very good question. The problem is not just HK. The problem is partly due to the difference between American and British popular usage, because rundown and run-down combined have 2 or 3 different meanings. This is made worse in conversation when you cannot see if there is a hyphen or not!

Your definition of 'rundown' is the popular US version.

In British English, the most common usage is when somebody is not 100% fit and healthy

A. Why aren't you at work today?
B. I feel a bit run down. (= I'm not well, feeling tired etc. )

參考: ESL teacher (HK/UK)

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