Emergency(2), 我需要高手幫修稿,謝謝

2011-04-15 2:32 pm
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the same place as other members of your family? (must be organized in an essay format.) I had bad memory to work with my mother. When I was a child, I always had helped to my mom in every weekend. Until now I grow up I also have my own job. Sometime I still need to help my mom. After, I graduate from college. I had be an accountant in my mom’s company in one year. My boss was my mom. My mom was my boss. How did we separate our different position? In office, she was my boss. I had to do everything and listen to her. We talked about jobs a lot. All coworker looked at you. I had got more pressure and responsibility. At home, we still talked about jobs a lot. So working with your family, you will do more jobs than others. Because it easy to contact you. And you could not refuse. But there still had good things to work with your family. You don’t need to find a job everywhere. If you don’t have any experience. You can do any job which you like in yours family’s company. And you will learn a lot with your family. Because you are a part of the family. When you had a mistake they also will forgive you. Working with your family are the advantages and disadvantages at the same. It depends what you look at. The attitude is very important. The advantages of working in your family should be cherishing. The disadvantages should be change to be your power. I think the disadvantages also will happen to other companies. But the advantages would not have in other works.

thanks to you so much. I am so appreciat. the last sentence is mean 在別家公司是不會有在自家公司的優勢。 我想要另外請問,你覺的我這篇文章有提到所謂的advantages and disadvantages. 我個人是覺的沒有很清楚。因為我很趕時間!所以麻煩了你了! 如果是,我該加點什麼進去嗎?謝謝!


謝謝你,老登 太感激了!

回答 (3)

2011-04-15 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
老登很樂意為版主回答 What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the same place (as) with other members (of) in your family? (must be organized in an essay format.) I had bad memories being with my mother. When I was a child, I helped my mom every weekend. Even now after I grow up, I do the same things. Sometimes I still need to help my mom. After graduating from college. I worked as an accountant in my mom’s company for one year. My boss was my mom. How did we separate our different position? In office, she was my boss. I had to do everything and listened to her. We talked about works a lot. All coworker looked at me . I got more pressure and responsibility. At home, we still talked about office works continuously . So working with your family, you will do more works than othe people in the office . Because you are easy to reach . And you can not refuse it. But it is s also a good thing to work with your family. You don’t need to find a job everywhere. Even you don’t have any experience you still get the job . You can do the work you like in yours family’s company. And you will learn a lot with your family. Because you are a part of the family. When you make a mistake they also forgive you. Working with your family are the advantages and disadvantages at the same. It depends how you look at it . The attitude is very important. The advantages of working in your family should be cherishing. The disadvantages should be turned to be your power. I think these disadvantages will also happen in other companies. But the advantages would not be the same. 最後一句不懂版主之意


2011-04-15 15:52:18 補充:
你提到的 advantage and disadvantage 是有啦,只是不很多, OK 啦!


To my opinions, working with my own families in our own company is much better than working for someone else.

公司內部的工作,我都改成work 不用 job
2011-04-16 7:58 am
剛好路過,只看到working with my own families in our own company這部份。

如果就是你自家的公司,就用family business。簡潔易懂,一看就知道是自己家開公司(做生意)。參考囉!
2011-04-16 5:46 am
Other companies do not have the advantage in our company.


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