can someone rephrase this quote for me?

2011-04-15 2:11 am
“A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you” by C.S Lewis

回答 (4)

2011-04-19 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
C. S. Lewis wrote about a great many things including his belief in God and fantasy (Chronicles of Narnia). In this statement, he is referring to the man who has become so consumed by his own self-worth that he can no longer see everything that is around him. Such a man misses out on the beauty in the world that presents itself in occasions, people, song, and scenery. He also misses out on what he might see in the heavens (stars) that are some of the most beautiful sights known to man.
2011-04-16 10:56 am
One too proud to acknowledge that there are others with knowledge and abilities beyond their own will not achieve all that is possible, due to their blindness to opportunities to benefit from the potential contributions of others.
2011-04-15 9:27 am
When you're proud, you always look down on other people and things, but then you're missing everything thats above you
2011-04-15 9:14 am
pretty straightforward
someone who is a downer can never see good things

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