我想問 thinking 同 thought 有咩分別?

2011-04-15 5:43 am
我查字典:thinking 係 思想/思考 noun

我查:thought 係思想/想法 noun


回答 (3)

2011-04-15 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

Thought and Thinking 有完全不同的使用方法

1. Thinking (思想/想法 noun ) 係屬於 gerund

According to my way of thinking, the law is wrong.
( NOT :- According to my way of thought, the law is wrong )

Thinking too much has given me a headache. ( NOT :- Thought too much...

2. Thought ( 思想/思考 noun ) 係 abstract noun

Our thoughts are with you at this desperate hour.
(NOT :- Out thinkings are with you ........ )

You just have to know when to use which with practice.

2011-04-14 23:30:59 補充:
Compare Thinking and Thought in the same sentence:

Her thinking is all wrong. means her logic or reasoning is wrong

Her thoughts are all wrong. means she is thinking about bad or nasty things
參考: ESL teacher (UK/HK)
2011-04-15 6:12 am
Thinking is 現在進行式
Eg, Tom is thinking about the cat at the road side.

Though is 過去式
Eg, Last Monday, Mary though to have a party with Lily.

Hope can help u~~~
2011-04-15 5:47 am

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