
2011-04-15 4:29 am
番譯以下的字:忑珂斕腔萇齟眒冪假蚾vc2005,directx9.0郔陔唳ㄛ 瘁寀硒俴蚔牁醴翹狟腔vcredist_x86.exeㄛdxwebsetup.exeㄛ輛俴假蚾ㄗ蛁砩ㄩ彆斕腔萇齟祥夔奻厙寀dxwebsetup.exe拸楊婓盄載陔 饒繫狟婥俇淕腔directx 9.0 腔假蚾婦輛俴假蚾ㄘ
眕奻假蚾俇傖綴 湖羲蚔牁醴翹狟腔※羲宎蚔牁.exe§ 萸"蟯趙假蚾" 郔綴萸※雄蚔牁§輛枑尨ㄩ厙奻薊儂妏蚚left4dead2.exe輛蚔牁
掛唳掛粒蚚埻唳+fishhao腔FInal_4031ㄛFinal+3.00ㄛFinal+3.1,Final+3.21秶釬 彆衄綴哿硃間 褫輛俴統蕉
www.kk55.net kk55蚔牁毞狟
坻蛁砩岈砐ㄩ彆斕腔萇齟蚕衾炵苀埻秪 硒俴※羲宎蚔牁.exe§枑尨Not found the kernel li


回答 (1)

2011-04-25 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

I better teach you how to translate using your browser.

Clearly you cannot see the words because of coding problem. Open for what you post this message using Internet Explorer, and then select the third column "View" ( 檢視 ). From it, choose 編碼 and check which coding you are currently displaying the words.

If it is "繁體中文" then change it as "Unicode" for viewing.
If it is "Unicode" then change it as "繁體中文" for viewing.

Most of the problems can be settled using this simple technique.

Lets attempt and see if you could see the words. If so, use this method in the future to solve the coding problems.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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