10 pts! 倫敦 Canary Wharf 的交通

2011-04-15 12:12 am
想知道由Canary Wharf 去近郊Oxford, Cambridge, Windsor, Bath的交通

e.g. 搭咩bus/tube? 點樣轉站/車? 點樣去最方便? 有咩注意事項?...


回答 (2)

2011-04-15 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1)Canary Wharf 係係london 而oxford, cambridge, bath 都係係london 出面既, tube 只係london 入面既交通, 唔會去到oxford 咁遠, 而bus 亦唔可能去到咁遠, 唯一既choice 係火車, 一黎快, 二黎如果有rail card 會平, 三黎佢準時咁班次密, canary wharf 係係zone 2 既, 我俾呢幾個網址你丫:]

i) 先check 係canary wharf 附近既火車站, 可用tube map --> http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/standard-tube-map.pdf
ii) 再搵一下係果一個火車站出發去到目的地既路線--> http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/

咁就可以了, 我成日出去唔同地方, 都係先搵火車站, 再用ii) 果個網睇下時間表同埋要係邊度轉車, 果個網仲可以book 定ticket, 好方便架:) 係official 既web site, 唔駛怕被人呃=]

2) 有左上面既網址, 你就可以去到oxford cambridge等地方, 而如果你係諗住係oxford 度去cambridge, 我suggest 你可以搭巴士, oxford 有巴士可以去到cambridge:

>> http://www.stagecoachx5.com/timesfares.aspx

呢條線, 係cambridge-oxford 既循環線, 會經milton keynes, bedford, bicester village, 所以如果想係中間落車, 都可以既, 我以前成日搭, 真係平, 同埋搵個station 都易, 網上面有埋timetable :) 好好用的=] 如果真係覺得時間耐, 你可以揀搭火車既, 都好方便的:)

P.S 唔知你係唔係去旅行呢? 如果真係plan 住黎好耐, 同埋會搭好多次火車, 而你又係16 - 25 yrs, 就可以整番張16 - 25 yrs rail card, 買ticket 平差唔多1/3, 抵好多架=]

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2011-04-15 6:14 am
Go to http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk/user/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=en
This is the london Jorney Planner.
By the way these are the public holiday of April Good Friday April 22 Easter Monday April 25 Royal Wedding Bank Holiday April 29
點樣去最方便? Driving would be the best since they ain't too far from london

Or you could take coach for a cheaper option.
National express

2011-04-20 06:22:21 補充:
The Jounary planner is base on the London, however It covers nearby city also.

2011-04-20 06:25:26 補充:
Canary Wharf nearby rail station is not even close to the Canary Wharf. Taking bus is need. So the best way i would suggest is take tube from canary wharf ( jubliee line) to Victoria for Oxford ( coach)

2011-04-20 06:27:15 補充:
the young person rail card need to pay at least 20 pounds for a year, unless you are planning to travel alot, otherwise is not really worth to

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