
2011-04-14 5:06 pm
I want learn more English 生字.From a simple fiction.I need some witsite for free.Thanks give me help.

回答 (2)

2011-04-15 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can learn more English 生字 from the British Council Learn English website. Go to the web page, click on the picture and learn.

參考: Teacher (HK/UK)
2011-04-18 9:52 am
I went to the "British Council" Web site suggested by Pepe Poirot, and found it very useful and interesting. It will certainly benefit you, not only in volcabulary, but other aspects as well, in laying a good foundation in the command of the Enslish language.

2011-04-18 01:56:45 補充:
You can pick up more advanced wring skills from the newspapers, but you also need to build a good foundation from Web sites dealing with basic topics in English, to avoid the risk of writing higher level English with basic grammatical mistakes.

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