瑞士7日行程 (7月頭去)

2011-04-14 8:07 am

day1 (4july) 蘇黎世-->琉森 (住琉森)
9:10am到蘇黎世,, 玩到傍晚去琉森

day2 (5july) 琉森-->伯恩-->Interlaken (住Interlaken)

day3 (6july) Interlaken (住Interlaken)
上少女峰, 再去Grindelwald

day4 (7july) Interlaken-->策馬特 (住策馬特)

day5 (8july) 策馬特 (住策馬特)
去Gornergrat, 行吓湖

day6 (9july) 策馬特-->洛桑-->日內瓦 (住日內瓦)

day7 (10july) 日內瓦

2. 買左swiss pass,,除左xx峰果d,同book位要再比錢之外,,有冇話邊程要再比錢架?
3. 搭火車,,有冇話要早幾耐要到火車站? 同埋一般會早幾多mins去到呢?? d月台會唔會多到要搵成10mins先搵到呢..

回答 (3)

2011-04-18 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. As Interlaken is really small (can finish walking the town in 1-2 hrs, depending how fast you walk), I suggest you Day 4 morning could go straight to Zermatt.

You have to walk a little while to get to the cable car to go up to the mountain.

2. where did you buy the Swiss pass?? from travel agency or you bought it straight from SBB (the swiss rail company - website shown below)?

if you bought it from travel agency, you can just ask the travel agent again.

3. Platforms are not hard to find, train are almost never delay as Switzerland is famous for its accurancy for watch. so dont' worry about getter there super early. 10-15mins earlier would be perfer. You could also check this website: http://www.sbb.ch/en/index.htm (swiss train- for timetables and connections)

You could also consider Lugano (in the Italian region), they have an outlet there called Fox town, BEAUTIFUL scenary (as always in Switzerland) as well in Lugano!

you could google it and see if you can fit it in your schedule. nice for summer to walk by the lake and do shopping!

but by the way, Europe usually have sales in June and Jan, may be if you can change the time, going in June to do some sales shopping would be so good with the nice weather in June as well!!

anyway, just an opinion, enjoy your trip!
參考: studied in switzerland for 3 years
2011-04-21 12:48 pm
3搭火車冇話要早幾耐要到火車站...一般早10min 都ok ga la .d月台唔會搵成10mins先搵到!好容易搵..寫得好清楚!
參考: me

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