Which of these would you to prefer as a goal song?

2011-04-13 10:58 pm
Bro Hymn-Pennywise
Crowd Chant-Joe Satriani
Do It Again-Queens of the Stone Age
Jump Around-House of Pain
Party Song-All Time Low

Or, any other suggestions.

回答 (3)

2011-04-13 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Crowd Chant-Joe Satriani
Bro Hymn-Pennywise
2011-04-14 8:09 am
From the list, I prefer Crowd Chant - Joe Satriani.
Other suggestions:

- 300 violin orchestra
- Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400
- (the old habs goal song) => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfTpGKJqROY
2011-04-14 6:44 am
Actually I like the Do It Again idea. It's a personal favorite song of mine, but I never thought of it as a possible goal song. Now that you mention it, it would work quite nicely, and it would be really creative.

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