please please please help..please im crying over here!!!?

2011-04-13 1:09 pm
i went to meet my girlfriend today..she is very scared of hurting her parents by any means..i kissed her cheek then her lips then her neck we hugged for 20 minutes...then she said she is feeling guilty and i m feeling guilty too...please friends help me..i m scared of everything ..i dont like the fact that she is feeling guilty because of me..
I told her I love you and always will..she said you should..I think she is thinking i ll leave her after all that..but i wont..n i want to convince her..pleae please please...i cant ask anyone else...i want to make her happy and make her realise that i ll love her always..

回答 (8)

2011-04-13 1:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Take her on a date, somewhere quiet and do sometihng special!
2011-04-13 8:19 pm
If you want to make this girl your forever girl then get into Scripture and read how a man is supose to love his wife. Someday she will be your wife. Keep her virginity because you want a virgin bride. That is scriptural. Go online and type in "Husbands love your wives like Christ loved the church." in the search engine and read everything you can on how to love a wife. If you do that now you will find all kinds of ways to protect her now from anything that you would do to harm her before you marry her and also prepare the way to be her spouse later in life. Right now LOVE is NOT what you are feeling. Love has to start with infatuation and that is where you are. It goes from that to commitment and to engagement and then to marriage. After marriage it goes to honeymoon stage and somewhere after the honeymoon stage starts wearing off you find that you 'think' you are no longer in love with your mate. WRONG. That is the beginning stage of love. Love starts to bloom after the honeymoon stage is all over because love isn't based on any emotion or feeling. I also suggest you read 1 Corinthians 13. Read the entire chapter but especially verses 4-8. That is genuine love and if you are doing that completely, lacking nothing, then you are learning what love really is. The number one thing about love is that it is NOT self seeking. It only gives. It never worries about getting and taking for itself. It never offends, hurts, boasts, gets provoked to anger, forgives without reservation, etc. That is genuine love and it must be developed between two people. What we have that draws us to the person we like is infatuation. God put that in us to procreate the earth but not before we make a covenant with our beloved in marriage. Keep sex out of your relationship until you marry and you will make a marriage that lasts forever. I know. I've been married almost 40 years now by doing it this same way. Good luck.
2011-04-13 8:17 pm
that's was sweet. anyhow you don't need to kiss and hug and all THAT just to show that you love her.
in fact depending on anything but any of the above will let her know you love her.
think- kissing and hugging is what anyone can do -whether he loves her or not. but sweet things like telling her nice sweet things, helping around, giving her small surprises will definitely make her happier. trust me. it works with all girls.

after a while she will be the one to hug.
good luck
2011-04-13 8:15 pm
so whippppppppped! but chill, and don't feel guilty, learn from your mistakes and move on :)
2011-04-13 8:14 pm
Look, you were just comforting each other. If that makes you feel so bad, then don't do it again, but it's not a reason to break off a relationship if you both love each other. Learn from this and be careful in the future until it's the right time.
2011-04-13 8:14 pm
she seems to be insecure. the only thing you can do is be there for her. call her often and see her as much as possible
2011-04-13 8:13 pm
keep keep keep crying !!!
2011-04-13 8:12 pm
o.0 what...?

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