
2011-04-14 7:51 am

他現在就讀一間讀Accountancy And Finance不錯的大學,不知道在港有沒有機會找到一份好工作,他成為失業大軍的機會高嗎?回港後在那裡找地方租最好呢?我想在一個去香港,9龍,新界都方便的區住.方便他去工作,方便我回家看看父母,找朋友,也方便我倆到市中心拍拍拖,去兰貴坊..等等.


thank you very much for answering my enquiry.

回答 (2)

2011-04-24 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

This is a challenging question.

Account and Finance is always a popular field in HK which is a recognized international financial centre. As a fresh graduate, however, I cannot say if your boyfriend has a good job with proportional rewards in his first few years of working.

You know, HK white-coat is famous for working diligently, efficiently and always overtime without paid! The environment is largely different from U.K. You cannot expect any enjoyment or relaxation in working process, and meeting task deadline is a large pressure to every employee regularly. Can your boyfriend accept such challenges psychologically?

Besides, our biggest market is now mainland and it is expected your boyfriend needs to sit for other ACCT papers before being a qualified accountant, and also travel to mainland for work regularly. Can he afford such working pressure? The answer must be positive before he should consider HK as his working place. However, I must admit, the chance here is higher than in Europe!

About living places, I do not know where do your parents live. You can ask their help for inquiries. Living closer to them is beneficial to you two in my opinion. If you ask me for some relatively econ. flats, I would prefer Tai Po, Ma On Shan, Tai Wai, Mongkok, Diamond Hill, Kowloon Bay or TKO which have convenient railways to travel.

Hope I can help you. Don't worry! Concentrate on your studies for best results first!

By Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

2011-04-14 8:02 am
如果想方便.... 旺角..土瓜灣...黃埔 九龍區我覺得呢幾個地方都幾方便...

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