
2011-04-13 11:28 pm
 The Hong Kong Tour bushostage crisis was happened in Manila, Philippine on August 23, 2010. Adismissed Filipino senior commissioner police officer with a M16 rifle and ahand gun hijacked and took over the bus in attempt to retrieve his job. Initially,there were 23 hostages. Later, there were two local photographers willing to besubstitute hostages in exchange to two on board hostages. During the hijacking,eight people were released by the hijacker or escaped from the scene. Thistragic event ended after approximately 11 hours with nine people killed,including the hijacker. Also, another nine people, including one bystander andone news reporter, were wounded. In the following paper, I will describe boththe perpetrator and the cause of damages to the victims, as well as explaininga criminology theory that best to take account toward this event and discusswhether the criminal justice system has punished the hijacker appropriately ornot if he survived.The perpetrator wasidentified as Rolando Mendoza, as I indicate above, he was a former policeconstable. He graduated in a local university and earned a criminology degree.He was also awarded a total of 17 times for his services to the country. Herecalled himself received an unfair investigation in respect to an extortioncharge. He lost his job and all other retirement benefits due to this call. As somelocal reports or documents stated, he had tried to get in touch again withOmbudsman of the Philippines to ask for another hearing based on the chargebefore he took action to hijack the bus. However, he did not receive anyresponses from the department. Therefore, he decided to hijack the bus to drawthe Manila Police Department and Philippine official attention in order to askfor another investigation and trial. 

回答 (1)

2011-04-14 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Hong Kong tour bus hostage crisis happened in Manila, Philippines, on August 23, 2010. A recently dismissed Philipino senior police officer, armed with a M16 rifle and a hand gun, hijacked and took over a tourist bus in an attempt to have his job re-instated . Initially, there were 23 people taken hostage. Later, there were two local photographers who were willing to be substituted for two on-board hostages. During the hijacking, eight people were either released by the hijacker or were able to escape from the scene. This tragic event finally ended after a stand-off of approximately 11 hours with nine people killed, including the hijacker. Another nine people, including one bystander and one news reporter, were wounded. In the following article , I will try to describe in detail the causes and effects, as well as a theoretical explanation in criminological terms of the whole tragic event. I will also discuss whether the criminal justice system would have been able to punish the hijacker sufficiently if he had survived.The perpetrator was identified as Rolando Mendoza, a former Philipino police officer. He had graduated from a local university with a criminology degree. He was a recipient of 17 awards for his services to his country. He reckoned that he had been subjected to an unfair investigation regarding an alleged extortion charge. He had lost his job and all other retirement benefits owing to this investigation. As some local reports had suggested, he had tried to contact the Philipino Ombudsman to ask for another hearing prior to hijacking the bus. Because he had not received any response from the authorities, he decided to take the law in his own hands and hijack the bus in order to draw attention to the case.
參考: ESL teacher (HK/UK)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:55:19
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