solidworks 2011安裝問題~!!!

2011-04-13 3:54 am

我打完個serials之後, 就出現咗呢堆野, 之後就裝唔到啦, 請問我可以點樣做呀???

"A serial number was not found in the activation database: SolidWorks. If your license is new, you may want to try again later. Otherwise contact your reseller to verify that the number is correct. You will still be able to choose the products you want to install, but you will not be able to download any installation files. If you continue without downloading enabled, you will need to provide a complete set of download source files or a DVD from which to install.

Click Back to check the serial number you entered or enter a new serial number. If you continue without a validated serial number, the Installation Manager will not pre-select the products to which you are entitled."

唔該各位師兄幫幫手啦, 我好急住用呀, PLS~!!!!

我係打岩個serial架: 0001 0001 0736 0361 JK3Q HDJ3 但係佢都話我唔岩, 我唔明點解淨係我部腦裝唔到呀, 我有幾個friends都無咁既問題.... HELP ME PLS~!!!!

回答 (1)

2011-04-14 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
好明顯你的序號(Serial No.)有問題,請你重新小心再入一次,仍然不行就要聯絡你的軟件代理查清楚個序號是否正確。

2011-04-22 18:51:28 補充:
Possibly that the same serial number is being used for too many times, and so the system rejects your registration. I don't think you all should be sharing the same serial number, but I might be wrong. Sorry that I can't tell you more.
參考: Myself, Myself

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:18:14
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