
2011-04-12 11:36 pm
請問於海外申請特區護照,所須時間和要特別注意的事情。如選擇在香港交申請費,怎樣會快啲? 有無人曾經在英國的中國領事館辨特區護照,實際要等幾耐?

回答 (3)

2011-04-14 3:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我今年試過, 但不是在英國, 是在美國, 我去左呢度的中國領事館申請, 拿左份form, 有曬所有要交文件及注意事項, 中國領事館收左我US30服務費(包括幫我寄返HK的郵費), 佢地幫我對齊資料先收, 比特區護照的錢是用支票(護照費用, 兌服支票手續費US13, 雙掛號/速遞郵費)

我屋企幫我問過香港入境處, 我一定要透過我本地的中國領事館代辦, 唔可以自己直接寄去; 一係本人親身去辦理, 之後可以寄到我住址處, 或者做妥後親身去拿。

2011-04-13 9:21 am
1. Chinese Consulate may impose additional requirements and fee when you apply at there.

2. I don't really think you can pay in Hong Kong when you apply overseas.

3. Regular process takes 4-6 weeks. You should add another month to mailing.
2011-04-12 11:42 pm

you will need to download the form(dw from the link), the photos, ID card(HK) and sd them to 中國駐外國的使領館, actually, you will find what you need in the link I gave it to you

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