
2011-04-12 7:44 pm
我隻迷你貴婦仔而家5個月, 番黎果陣唔夠3個月,之前個主人話佢食HILL'S, 怕佢食唔慣, 就買左包HILL'S餵佢. 但D味精糧唔好, 番黎我屋企無1個月就同佢溝糧食, 一半HILL'S, 一半EVANGER'S

最近轉晒全部EVANGER'S, 但對於食糧唔太有興趣, 但又未至於唔食囉~~

包EVANGER'S差唔多食晒喇, 想睇下同唔同佢再轉糧好~~
想問下EVANGER'S 好唔好架?如果轉, 轉邊隻糧好??

回答 (1)

2011-04-14 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hill's is absoulte rubbish pet food, the reason that Hill's become famous is becasue they know how to promote their product. e.g. only sells in vet clinics or those nice pet shop. which gives a good impression to those owners.
Evanger's is petty good pet food. according to a web site http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-reviews/5-star/
It has gains 5 stars out of 5 of scale.
If you are happy with Evanger's I would not recommand you to change any. Here have some personally perferrance - Orijien, Canadian pet food. Botiza, Swedish pet food, suitable to sensitive tummy.

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