Internet Protection Virus?

2011-04-11 4:14 pm
Recently a programme called 'internet protection' has appeared on my computer. It is constantly saying that the computer has trojans and worms on it. Obviously it doesn't. I've read on the internet about a way to get rid of it but when I tried this it didn't work ( <-- instructions.
So does anyone else know a free way of removing this scareware from my computer? I have Norton on my computer but I don't want to pay for anything extra.
Thanks for any help

回答 (3)

2011-04-11 4:17 pm
IT IS A SCAM. Don't have anything to do with it. If Norton is not detecting a virus, then there should be no risk. The program will still continue to annoy you, though. Sometimes fake, harmless virus scans are used as a marketing method my some companies, even though it is wrong.
2011-04-11 4:17 pm
get malwarebytes. update it before you run it

it's free and works great

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