
2011-04-12 2:15 am
Listen Empathise Apologise React Notify

1. Show that you understand how the customer is feeling.
2. Tell management about the problem.
3. Don't interrupt when the customer explains the problem.
4. Promise to do something.
5. Say "Sorry"


回答 (5)

2011-04-16 3:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Empathize 1. Show that you understand how the customer is feeling.
Notify 2. Tell management about the problem.
Listen 3. Don't interrupt when the customer explains the problem.
React 4. Promise to do something.
Apologise 5. Say "Sorry"

2011-04-16 07:57:12 補充:
1.Empathize means to put yourself in the other person's position and see things from their point of view. It does not involve actions.
2. React is to act in response to an action such as a request to do something.

2011-05-05 10:44:00 補充:
Their can be used instead of his or her when the gender of the person is not specified. Below are such example:
"Case descriptions
2nd paragraph:Additional reported characteristics of the patient and their welfare issue ...."-http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/content/20/1/48.full

2011-05-05 10:44:15 補充:
"How to find nationality of a person based on their full name."
2011-04-13 10:09 pm
1) empathize
2) notify
3) listen
4) react
5) apologize

2011-05-04 19:01:01 補充:
other person's position and see things from their(not his) point of view ?
2011-04-12 9:18 pm
1.React 作出反應
2.Notify 通知
3.Listen 聽
4.Empathize 起共鳴
5.Apologise 道歉

by Jeffrey

2011-04-12 2:24 am
1. Reacy
2. Notify
3. Listen
4. Empathise (我查5到LEE個係咩....會否係你打錯?)
5. Apologise
參考: 我 :)
2011-04-12 2:20 am
參考: myself

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