美國綠卡問題 (耐冇入境)

2011-04-11 6:55 pm
本人於2003年持綠卡從香港移民到美國,但居住了大概4個月時就跟父母回到香港居住, 將於今年毅進計劃畢業,,但八年一直沒有再入過美國境區,,本人今年20歲想回到美國留學.所以有以下兩個問題,想請各位幫忙回答,, 謝謝. 1) 請問我八年沒有再入美國境區,如果我持綠卡入境,會否一定被移民局官員留難呢? 會否被移民官員沒收綠卡呢? 還有會要我坐回頭飛機離開嗎﹖ 2) 如果我就讀完毅進計劃,那麽我可以去美國讀什麼課程呢?還有要讀多久才能升到大學呢? 請各位好心人能入答我的問題…謝謝=]

回答 (3)

2011-04-11 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Definitely CBP will make trouble.

In term of the Permanent Resident issue, no one knows. If you are lucky, they will not really care. Otherwise, prepare to fight your residency in front of immigration judge (confiscating your Permanent Resident Card does not mean you lose your residency, as CBP does not have the right to take that away. An immigration judge is the only one who can make the determination, unless you give up yourself).

As you will be given your chance to fight for the residency, they can't ask you to return immediately. In other word, you can get back to the U.S. for sure.

2. Community College is your only choice. At this moment, it takes about 2-3 years for you to transfer to an university.

3. No - fingerprinting is needed (which U.S. Consulate can't do it).
2011-04-16 7:50 am
To do it correctly and legally, you should surround your green card to 香港的美國領士館 and re-apply your green card again. This will take years if you are still qualify at all.

When you enter US, and the officer found out that you haven't returned to US for 8 years, you are going to be sent back to HK for sure. With green card, you are likely to have some trouble even you just left US for 6 months, and you cannot return to US without a Return Permit if you left over a year.

Well... US did not maintain a good record on most people about when they left US. No sure if this is still true. Some HKs used to fly to Canada and choose to return US by land, and telling the officer that they just return from a short trip. And some has get into a bigger trouble for doing this as the officer found out the guy has way more luggage than a short trip.

Not sure what level is 毅進. But I don't think you will have trouble to apply for a Community College. Well... You are likely to have trouble to enjoy any benefits as US local students - Even you are able to return to US with your GC, you don't have most of the documents to enter an US college as a resident. (Paper such as Tax form, and proof of local address etc.)
2011-04-12 5:30 am
If you have not gone back or visit American Soil (Include Hawaii) for 8 continuous years, your right of return highly possible be removed. Check it with the US Embassy in Hkg. They would tell you the status.

And why you have a thought would have a chance to return by First Class?? Wake up man ! Yeah, you pay for it !!

They do not recognised so called 毅進計劃, you are still in a High School level. Ask the Embassy people, they know it well than us.

Last question---ask the Embassy !

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