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2011-04-11 7:43 am

回答 (5)

2011-04-11 7:47 pm
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I still remember obviously I want to separate with you on 9th April, just want to social like a pair of friends as I wish you can enjoy more freedom. This is a scene I have desired the most to come true for a long long time, but in contrast I definitely don’t believe that it will be real one day. You have myriads of female friends, and this makes me jealous, envy about it. Apparently, being a girl friend of you, I really feel depressed. I cannot imagine this was born to me and my sweetheart. However, after the date of 9th April, discovering that I was totally wrong, I should not let you escape from me, I should not act like a giant let you go. Treating eachother as friends isn’t the most prime result that I hope to see forever. I shouldn’t feel grief because of these tiny little things. I am really stupid, stubborn which describe the present of me. Darling, you always question me how do I love you, in fact I have already loved you to a point that cannot step out of you in seconds, simply your shadow has grasped my heart in depth. I cannot leave you alone, cannot lose you ever in the future, cannot…….

2011-04-11 17:56:03 補充:
希望你能選我為最佳(005)。在眾多翻譯中, 我認為我自己的一篇最能把文意以最正確的表達方法編寫出來,尤其是感情方面,相比其他的翻譯,我的最真摯、細膩,最能抒發到男女的情感,就算婉轉繞圈也可接受。
參考: My Own English Language Ability
2011-04-13 4:38 am
I remember April 9 Zhonghao one day you really want to talk about breaking up with, we do return to friends, because I want freedom more than you. it always kind of wild, My only thing I want to happen, I also Nuisance recite off will occur. You have too many and too friendly and not only the opposite sex, talk about true love you when the drainage in a matrix, then, what kind of wild really very hurt my heart. but after April 9 a day, I found that I was totally wrong contempt! I I Should play a great let you go, I think I should be back to do the best department friend is corruption, I should do d things which hurt the left. I really stupid line. you Chengri ask me how I love you a few, in fact, I love you till I can leave you. I can Nuisance Department I left you, I always I want to lose you.不是google/雅虎翻譯!
2011-04-12 12:37 am
頭四五句開始已經多繞圈子,中段的排比其實內疚外,其實並不動人,我想你在4月9日已經說了分手,所以才希望當日的過程沒有發生過。我會把你來來回回重覆的話綜合為:I remember clearly and wish it never happened that day we broke up to become just friends. I used to think to give you freedom, but I am really hurting when many of your female friends all seems to say they love you. After 9 Apr, I found my thought of pretending to be generous in letting your go was totally wrong. It was not a perfect relation for us to just friends. I was not supposed to be hurt by this but I do. I have become feeling stupid. You used to ask me how much I love you, in fact I love you now to the point I cannot let you go. I really cannot live without you. I don't want to lose you forever.
2011-04-11 6:52 pm
I still remember I wanted to break up with you on April 9th and just be friends. That is because I wanted to give you more freedom and space. I never hope for that to happen nor did I ever thought it would happen. You have too many close male/female (異性=男-male?女-female?) friends. And to tell you the truth, it really hurt me when they said they love you. But after April 9th, I realize I am completely wrong. I shouldn't have acted so generous and let you go. I shouldn't have thought that going back to being friends is the best result. I shouldn't have been hurt because of those things. I was too stupid. You always ask me how much I love you? Actually, I am already so in love to a point that I can't be separated from you. I really cannot be without you! I never want to lose you!
2011-04-11 9:14 am
I very impress that i really want to say break up with you on 9 April, we will be friend because i want you got more freedom. I never hough that, i never want to see that, you got many good girl's friend stay by you. It is injury my heart deeply when i heard that they said loving you.

After 9 april, I think that i have totaly fault ! I should not pretend greatness to let you go, we keep the relationship to friend not a best result. I shouldn't felt sad by these things. I'm really foolish..

"How much you love me" was a question you always th ask me. Actually, i love you so much, i cannot leave you. I unwilling lost you never ever.
參考: myself

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