開設有限公司, 作股票投資的法律和牌照問題

2011-04-11 1:20 am
一間有限公司, 無實質業務 (或實質業務相對其資本規模相當小) , 持有大量股票作投資(平均持有3年以上), 投資決定由個別股東執行, 當中是否涉及資產管理? 這樣做公司或管理層又要否向證監會獲取任何牌照? (p.s. 所動用的資金為全部股東一開始投入的資本, 並不涉及股東以外人仕的資金). 謝謝.

感謝回答, 我還有一點疑問, 如果該公司在成立後, 間中 (e.g.一年一次) 發新股予個別新投資者, 此舉會否被視為向大眾提供投資/資產管理服務? 邀人入股該公司又算不算請求別人提供資產予該公司管理/投資? 謝謝

回答 (2)

2011-04-11 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
No need, as this is a private investment via the limited company as all funding are from shareholders. It is quite a common issue to pool shareholders' funds together to invest via a limited comapny. the shareholders have the beneficial interest of the investment likely in their shareholding ratios. If you solicit the general public to invest on behalf of them, you then have to obtain a license for this kind of investment services rendered, an issue of protecting the public interest.

2011-04-25 18:08:07 補充:
As this is a private limited company, when a new shareholder is invited, the other shareholders must all agreed for the admission as the shareholding ratios of the existing shareholders will then be changed.
2011-04-11 7:05 am
感謝回答, 我還有一點疑問, 如果該公司在成立後, 間中 (e.g.一年一次) 發新股予個別新投資者, 此舉會否被視為向大眾提供投資/資產管理服務? 邀人入股該公司又算不算請求別人提供資產予該公司管理/投資? 謝謝

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