waked up , woke up

2011-04-10 11:17 pm
我知道wake的過去式有woke 和waked兩種..





回答 (2)

2011-04-11 12:27 pm
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Wake, woke (waked), woken (waked)

Both woke and waked are past tense of wake.
woke (British English), waked (American English)

Most people use woke, though waked is also acceptable. I prefer to use woke instead of waked.
“waked” is not listed in some dictionaries, e.g. Google online dictionary.

Show, showed, shown
Showed is the past tense of show
Shown is the past participle of show.

Hang, hung, hung 懸掛, 垂下(transitive verb and intransitive verb)

He hung the picture on the wall.

hang about, hang around (在某處附近)等待,逗留,閑蕩
hang on 抓緊, 別掛電話,等一下
hang out 常去某處;泡在某處
hang up 掛斷電話

正常地, past tense of hang 是 hung, past participle 是 hung. 例外是當 hang 解作絞死.

Hang, hanged, hanged 絞死 ( intransitive verb 不及物動詞)

The murderer was hanged yesterday.

lie, lied, lied (說謊) intransitive verb
lie, lay, lain (躺著, 位於) intransitive verb

lay, laid, laid (放置, 平息,生蛋,打賭) transitive verb

LAY 是 present simple tense, 或是 past tense of lie.

I lay a plate on the table. (lay = 放置, present simple tense)
I lay on the bed. (lay = 躺著, past simple tense)

小心 lie 這個字, 說謊或者躺著.
I lie. (我說謊)
I lie down. (我躺著)
I lie there. (我躺著在那裡)
2011-04-11 1:23 am
Waked and woke:
Waked is now correct and accepted but it didn't used to be. Woke is the original past tense of wake, but both are now considered right.
Woke is still more common: e.g. I woke up this morning
Waked 現在都係正確, Woke 是原來的過去式,但現在兩個都被認為是對的。
Woke 是更多常見的, 例如 : I woke up this morning


Show, Showed, Shown
Showed 是過去式Shown 是現在完成式Showed is Past Tense : I showed my friend the new toy yesterday
Shown is Present Perfect Tense: I have shown him the new toy already
參考: ESL teacher (HK/UK)

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