In what way is the new aircraft like the previous one?A. It has a similar radar system.B. It can carry nearly 190 passengers.C. It is leased from China Airlines.D. Its communications equipment is the same.
空軍一號一樣載189個人和價值45million 美元?還是只有
另外上面的It (粗體) 是指什麼?這句話 It differs from the earlier aircraft, however, in its on-board instrumentation
答案是b 呢~ 這可是全民英檢官方預試的考題呢,怎可能寫的爛?難道是答案給錯嗎? 我把全文貼上來好了,希望程度好的可以解答 .
The ROC Air Force has purchased a new “Air Force One,” the popular name for the aircraft used by senior officials of the ROC, including the president and vice-president. Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new ... 之後就和上面一樣
我怎麼覺得答案是B呀,而且用however不會不適當啊,我好像看出來了,從中國航空租 來的那句是補語~原句應該是這樣吧 Like the previous “Air Force One,”the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million.However, it differ from the earlier aircraft,in its....其實這種句形我還蠻長看到的,不知道我的看法對不對?