
2011-04-11 2:25 am
. Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million. It differs from the earlier aircraft, however, in its on-board instrumentation, which includes an advanced radar system and state-of-the-art communications equipment.

In what way is the new aircraft like the previous one?A. It has a similar radar system.B. It can carry nearly 190 passengers.C. It is leased from China Airlines.D. Its communications equipment is the same.

空軍一號一樣載189個人和價值45million 美元?還是只有
另外上面的It (粗體) 是指什麼?這句話 It differs from the earlier aircraft, however, in its on-board instrumentation


答案是b 呢~ 這可是全民英檢官方預試的考題呢,怎可能寫的爛?難道是答案給錯嗎? 我把全文貼上來好了,希望程度好的可以解答 .


The ROC Air Force has purchased a new “Air Force One,” the popular name for the aircraft used by senior officials of the ROC, including the president and vice-president. Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new ... 之後就和上面一樣


我怎麼覺得答案是B呀,而且用however不會不適當啊,我好像看出來了,從中國航空租 來的那句是補語~原句應該是這樣吧 Like the previous “Air Force One,”the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million.However, it differ from the earlier aircraft,in its....其實這種句形我還蠻長看到的,不知道我的看法對不對?

回答 (7)

2011-04-14 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
which was leased from China Airlines 前頭有個逗號,所以算是非限制性定語從句,也就是非限定關係子句,其目的在於對主句內容或先行詞的補充、解釋或附加說明,常常單獨翻譯,且即使沒有它,主句意思仍舊完整,而在這題目中是去修飾先行詞 the previous "Air Force One",可改寫為 The previous Air Force One was leased from China Airlines. 這句先分析釋義後,再回去看原句中剩下的句子,Like the previous "Air Force One," which was leased from China Airlines, the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million. (藍色部分) 如此可以看出新舊飛機都是 737-800,載客數與成本也近似。倘若還看不真切的話,由於非限定關係子句可被忽略而不影響原意,也就是可以直接刪掉,改寫成Like the previous "Air Force One," the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million.如此就能直覺性的去看這題了。話說回來,文章撰寫的目的是在於將撰文者心中所想的事經由文字的方式寫出,寄望收文者能完整地接收到所要表達的,不論是字面上的意思,或字裡行間的意境,針對任何會讓讀者產生疑慮或誤解的語句必須儘量避免。然原句出自於考題,目的在於讓考生未來面對到類似的語句時亦能辨明無誤,眾位看倌也該能釋懷才是。以上拙見,源自意見欄中 Yung-Tsai 與 Joe 兩位大大之啟發,不吝賜教。
2011-04-13 9:14 am
對不起,我的看法與 Yung-Tsai 大師於 001 意見一樣。

which was leased from China Airlines 所修飾的只是 the previous "Air Force One",並不是 Like。

就像跟之前與華航租貸的空軍一號一樣,新的飛機是台波音 737-800...
2011-04-13 1:32 am
The ROC Air Force has purchased a new “Air Force One,” the popular name for the aircraft used by senior officials of the ROC, including the president and vice-president. Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new...

Like the previous “Air Force One,” which was leased from China Airlines, the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million. It differs from the earlier aircraft, however, in its on-board instrumentation, which includes an advanced radar system and state-of-the-art communications equipment.


advanced = state of the art (我同樣翻為"最先進的")
state fo the art 有比較專門指科技設備的先進
It = 指的是新買的飛機


2011-04-12 17:38:39 補充:
老實說,這邊用however 是有點不太恰當...是我的話會用because....
因為前文說"他和其他早期的飛機不一樣...." "因為" "他有......" 這樣比較順吧
參考: 自己
2011-04-11 6:09 am
2011-04-11 5:54 am
B. It can carry nearly 190 passengers.
Like the previous “Air Force One,”, the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers.

2011-04-11 5:14 am
To answer that question of "In what way is the new aircraft like the previous one?"

the correct answer would be C

Reasoning? " LIKE the previous..."

It = 新的這一架

這個句子寫得很爛 - It differs from the earlier aircraft, "HOWEVER"



Conclusion - your understanding of the use of 'however' is correct.

2011-04-10 21:17:51 補充:
if you were to '強調' the pro's of the newer plane, you would use "in addition." However in this case just sounds "Engrishy"

A part from the differences of the two planes 跟 It differs...是一樣的意思

所以however的用法is grammatically flawed/fragmented/redundant.

2011-04-11 04:45:27 補充:
no. 都是跟華航租的.....
2011-04-11 5:07 am
第一句已經點出和先前的(previous Air Force One)一樣的是,從中國航空公司租來的,所以答案是c

the new aircraft is a Boeing 737-800, which is capable of carrying up to 189 passengers and costs around US$45 million. It differs from the earlier aircraft
這一段說明新飛機的特點 可以載到189個乘客 大概價值美金4500萬
它和早期的飛機不同 , 這個it 指現在這架新飛機。

不管他們兩者是如何相同或不同 用however 再次強調這架新飛機的優點 ,在儀表上有先進的雷達系統和高級通訊設備。

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