My Case: urgently need help from a psychiatrist?

2011-04-10 5:46 am
my mind and heart are goin nuts since fr 6 months. I desperately need a girl friend to share my love and feelings with her. I am 22, and its common that we want a girl friend. But the fact is till now in my life I never had a girl friend. I am feeling insane and thinking bull **** stuff which is effecting my educations. I even lost the 4.0 gpa this semester because of the feeling that no girl loves me. I am a shy guy and I think that I can't escape from shyness in front of girls. I have seen many girls I wanted to date but they just get away in front of me with my own frnds and other boys. You might be known how that will make you feel when the girl you wanted to love, dates your own frnd. I am lost and living dead now. I feel sometimes that there doesn't even exist a single girl in this world who will like me. I am becoming bad. The thing is all this stuff is effecting my daily schedules and eduction, which I don't want to be. Is there any one out here who could talk to me personally, understand my situation and present a solution to me.

回答 (4)

2011-04-14 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
There isn't a specific piece of advice that's going to address your situation. From what you ask, and describe, starting your own therapy would be a very good idea for you. It would give you the chance to have a relationship with someone in which all of the questions and feelings you have could be addressed.
2011-04-10 5:54 am
The truth of the matter is, is that the best things in life happen when you're not paying attention. I recommend taking some "you" time. Write what you want in a girl, her best traits, her personality, and her lifestyle. This way you can weed out all the nonsense. It sounds ridiculous but the less you worry about finding a girl, the more out of touch you'll become. I used to worry about the same things but as soon as i told my self that the right person "hasn't met me yet" and focused on other priorities everything fell into place. It might not be your exact time frame but, it will happen. =]
參考: personal experience
2016-10-04 7:35 pm
you're a minor, and if he feels that he's ethically obligated to tell baby shielding centers, he will would desire to given which you disclosed this information to him as a minor. pass to his workplace and beg him to no longer do it. tell him that there is no explanation for him to do it now because of the fact the divorce took care of the project. tell him which you do no longer prefer your depressed father to get charged with family contributors violence and have that on his checklist. This exceeded off to me as quickly as with a psychiatrist, and he threatened to pass to the government because of the fact he mentioned he became morally and ethically in charge to realize this. I begged him and promised him that i'd call and tell government if it exceeded off lower back. It by no potential exceeded off lower back and to in the present day i'm so grateful that the psychiatrist did no longer call government. it would have been the shame of my family contributors for a existence time.
2011-04-10 6:19 pm
The way you feel about losing love is perfectly normal. The fact that you are talking about it now is a sign of good mental health.

You've been grieving all this time and you are ready to move on. Grief doesn't end on demand, but it does subside in time, along with the pain. In time you will realize this wasn't the right girl for you, maybe not until the right girl does come along (and she will), but for now hold your head high and do your best for God, yourself, and the women who will love you in the future.

Love is both wonderful and painful, and no doubt the strongest force in the world. Be grateful you are capable of it and be careful who you give it to. You can never force another person to love you but when they do, remember how painful this rejection is, and treat their love carefully. Good luck to you, you will be just fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:51:37
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