成為一位doctor or nurse

2011-04-10 7:07 am
我想問如果我想成為一位doctor or nurse,要chem之外,重要咩科,要phy 定bio??


回答 (2)

2011-04-19 5:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for nursing: it depends on which university you're interested in. but actually it's fine even if you study maths (NO NEED for phy chem bio!), you can find guidlines on JUPAS's website.

for doc: ALL 3 subjects are needed,
>> I would also like to reply to ans no. 1: the reasons for study physicis is for calculations, not using such apparatus! actually i would say PT needs more physics than doctors,
and after you've enrolled into the course, you'll found that things that you've learned in secondary schools are not important at all (except some bio), so plz don't bother
2011-04-14 11:44 pm
biology: 一定要啦!

physics: 都係非常重要, 因為醫療儀器, 例如:製心電圖, X光機, 超聲波機, 磁力共挀機, 物理治療儀器...等等, 都同物理科有好大關係.

最好就係phy, chem, bio有齊, 英文都好埋, 就最好啦!

醫院除咗係醫生和護士外, 還有物理治療師, 職業治療師, 放射治療師, 都係幫到好多人架, 可以考慮考慮.

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