Cover letter (Grammer problem)

2011-04-10 3:55 am
Please help me to amend this letter grammer, structure and/or other problem! THX a lot!

Dear Sir/MadamRe: Applicationfor the Post of XXX (Ref. No.: XXX) I am writing in response toyour advertisement in JobsDB inviting application for Technical Trainee on 8April, 2011. I will graduate from XXX College at about June2011, majoring in City Renew, structural Inspection (Survey), basic and professional knowledgeof building inspection methods, repair statements and related ordinance can beeffective using. In the summer of 2010, I have worked at reputable international XXX Limited, during that time I learned further knowledge about my subject, suchas the maintenance procedures of a renovation project and other details fromthe tender document. With strong communication skills in Chinese, Putonghua and English, and high efficiency displayed when individual workseven under the pressure. Enclosed please find aresume giving you details of my personal particulars. During my study in college, I always attend different activities, it makesme outgoing with good initiatives and interpersonal skill, and pay moreattention to a sense of responsibility, because I am willing to meetchallenges, hardworking study and able to operation under pressure!
I would be thankfulif I can get an interview arrangement so that I can explain myself further.Mycontact number is 6666 6666 and I can be reached at any time. I look forwardto hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely,Peter Li

To:Steve Kam Thx a lot first!!! That paragraph should be like this. With strong communication skills in Chinese, Putonghua and English, and high efficiency displayed when individual work even under the pressure. Please find a resume giving you details of my personal particulars.

回答 (3)

2011-04-10 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam (Better for you to check the name of the interviewer or the person who is in charge of this job vacancy) Re: Application for the Post of XXX (Ref. No.: XXX) I am writing in response to your advertisement in Jobs DB inviting application for Technical Trainee on 8th April, 2011. I am going to graduate from XXX College at about June2011, majoring in City Renew, structural Inspection (Survey), basic and professional knowledge of building inspection methods, repair statements and related ordinance can be effective using. In the summer of 2010, I had worked at a reputable international XXX Limited. During that training period, I have learnt further knowledge about my subject, such as the maintenance procedures of a renovation project and other details from the tender document. {With strong communication skills in Chinese, Putonghua and English, and high efficiency displayed when individual work seven under the pressure} [The whole sentence is awkward, especially what do you want to express in the underlined part? Sentence structure of “with……”, must continue with a sentence after a comma]. Enclosed please find are sume giving you details of my personal particulars {Unknown meaning also}. During my study in college, I always attend having always attended different activities, it makes me outgoing with good initiatives (“initiative” is an uncountable noun, therefore follows without an “s”) and interpersonal skills would have been improved day by day as well as my responsibility to my work. I am willing to meet challenges, to work hard and capable to maintain myself well under pressure. I would be very thankful if I can get an interview can be arranged arrangement, allowing me to introduce myself more so that I can explain myself further. My contact number is 6666 6666 and I can be reached at any time. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely,Peter Li

2011-04-12 21:26:06 補充:
"Please find a resume giving you details of my personal particulars", this sentence is awkward meaning that I cannot get what you want to say. Please explain it step by step.
參考: My own English Language Ability
2011-04-13 7:02 am
The whole sentence have amend as below;

"Enclosed please find a resume giving you details of my personal particulars."
2011-04-12 11:51 pm
Dear Sir/MadamRe: Applicationfor the Post of XXX (Ref. No.: XXX) I am writing in response toyour advertisement in JobsDB dated 8 April for the vacancy ofTechnical Trainee . I am going to graduate from XXX College in June2011, majoring in City Renew, structural Inspection (Survey), basic and professional knowledgeof building inspection methods, repair statements and related ordinanceIn the summer of 2010, I worked at a reputable international XXX Limited, during that time I have learned further knowledge about my subject, suchas the maintenance procedures of a renovation project and other details from the tender document. I have strong communication skills in Chinese, Putonghua and English, and high efficiency even when working under the pressure. Enclosed please find my resume for your easy reference..During my study in college, I always attend different activities, it makesme outgoing with good initiatives and interpersonal skill, and pay moreattention to a sense of responsibility, because I am willing to meetchallenges, hardworking study and able to operation under pressure!

- suggest to rewrite the above as :-

I am a responsible and outgoing person with good initiatives and willing to meet challenges, hardwork and able to work under pressue when necessary.I would be grateful if I can be granted with an interview. I can be reached at any time at my mobile phone xxxxxxxx.

Thanks for your kind consideration to my application in anticipation and look forward to hearing from you shortly..Yours sincerely,Peter Li

Effective writing is simple, right to the point and can be easily understood. No flourish words are required.

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