UK AL student applys for..

2011-04-09 6:25 am
I studied 1-year AL in UK and want to apply for the universities in HK this year.
I have already filled in all the applicantions .
However I found that AL result is released in August
and HK universities have finished receiving students at that time isnt it a bit too late?

Could anyone tell me how does the non-jupas process actually work?
Thankyou so much. =)

回答 (2)

2011-04-09 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如果你而家係F.7 (upper 6/year 13), 而你又已經交左application既話, 你而家就可以等佢既通知, 叫你去interview 既, 如果你既hkcee/gcse 係考得唔錯既, 有一d大學, 佢地唔駛in 你, 都會直接出offer 俾你既, 你只要accept 左個offer, 交左deposit, 到左8月出成績時, 你send 番個成績俾佢地, prove 到你meet 到個requirement 就ok.

2) 我果時都apply 過non-jupas 既, 你填application 果時, 應該有寫你會唔會番hk, 如果你話你會番既, 咁佢地就會係你番黎果段時間, 打你hk 個手提, 叫你去in, 如果你唔番既, 咁你就可能要等到7月summer 果時先in 既. 我果時apply, 同佢講4月會番去, 咁我4月係hk 果時, 佢就打黎叫我in, in 完就出左offer 了:) 而有一d 朋友, 佢地就8月先番hk, 咁就8月先in, 都會有offer 既.

3) 我果時仲apply左其他uni, 佢地收到application 後, 就直接出左offer 俾我, in 都唔駛in (果個係cu). 而有朋友apply左city 同poly, 佢地會有telephone interview既.

4) 所以, overall 黎講, 大學睇俾唔俾offer 你, 係睇你hkcee/gcse 同埋6th form第一年既成績, 如果成績係好既, 又合佢地要求, 佢地就會即刻出offer 俾你或者叫你in, 再出offer, 如果meet 到, 考到果個grade, send 番個transcript 俾佢地睇就得架啦:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2011-04-12 2:27 pm
我今年year 13, 我都apply 左香港既大學through non-jupas!
同埋依家有幾間大學都開始比緊offer/interview ...

雖然英國比香港AL late 2個月先出results~但係香港既大學都有留番d位比overseas 既人嫁:) 依家HKU/CU/POLYU 有d faculty已經比緊non jupas offer 啦..你apply左邊間u ?如果係hku 既話你可以上網check 你既application 嫁. CU 既話如果比offer 你會打比你..同埋好似cu 要phone interview~ polyu 都係phone interview..不過都係depends on 你apply 左邊科...

我之前有個朋友報左CU, 雖然RESULT 味出..但係CU 都比佢join ocamp 果d~ 總之如果大學出左offer 比你 就算你味有result 都好.,你都可以去ocamp 嫁.:) anyway good luck! :)

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