
請用強烈表示不滿及譴責語氣,Thank You.


回答 (2)

2011-04-09 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
I did not know that my daughter had already returned to Hong Kong until I received her phone call on April 1, a day on which she should be attending your school. The news really surprised us!
How could you let my daughter return to Hong Kong when we were completely kept in the dark? Why didn't you contact us the parents nor the agent when you received from Teresa the news of her returning to Hong Kong? If anything untoward happened to her on her way back, may I ask you who would be held responsible? We put Teresa in your custody because we believed that you could ensure her safety. We could never have anticipated such thing to happen! The most shocking thing is that we only learned about it two weeks after she returned to Hong Kong. We are really disappointed and have completely lost our faith in you.
We hereby formally withdraw our daughter Teresa from your school and hope that you will refund the balance of both course and boarding fees to us as soon as possible.
2011-04-08 4:31 am
When I had received a phone call from my daughter on first of April, I just realised that she was already in Hong Kong. This news really made me feel surprised! Was she supposed to be having lesson at that time?
Out of my expectations, you let my daughter go back to Hong Kong. But when you received the news that Theresa was back to Hong Kong, why you didn't tell us or agent immediately? If Theresa had an accident on the way to Hong Kong, who should take this responsibility? We believe in your school can ensure Teresa's safety, so we give the guardianship to you. We can't predict what will happen next, but what made me feel astonished is, when Theresa was back after two weeks, I just knew that! How disappointed! I really lose confidence in you.

Now, I solemnly help my daughter, Theresa to leave your school. Hope you will give me the rest of the school fee and accommodation as soon as possible.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:54:35
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