My guess is ??

2011-04-07 8:46 am
Nothing is so precious as good health.

Good health is most precious of all.

唉..我的英文總是不會進步..今天又給人彈.. ( 不如你打中文吧 )
越學越沒忍..只有傻笑說 ( 我的英文真不好..對不起 ) ( 我下次打中文吧 ) 還要傻笑.遮醜..唉..

回答 (4)

2011-04-07 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
From your translation, I think your English is quite okay. In most instances, you can actually apply the Chinese logic to English.

For example, in the first sentence:
[Nothing is so precious as good health], your translation is: 什麼寶貴都比不上健康, your are comparing [什麼寶貴] with [健康], but in the English sentence, [thing} is compared with [good health], as to which is more "precious", and the conclusion is that "nothing' can be as precious as good heath.
So the Chinese translation should be:
[什麼] 都比不上 [健康]寶貴.

In the second sentence, [Good health is most precious of all], your translation is [好的健康等於好多寶貴的東西]. Here, your understanding is correct, [good health] is compared to all the things, and it is the most precious, so the Chinese translation should be:
[健康] 是最 寶貴的 (東西).

Only those people with limited knowledge will laugh at others. When I was in College (abroad), I mentioned to a local friend that in Hong Kong, sometimes one might get laughed at for speaking poor English. He was so surprised. He said, "I will never laugh at you. If my Chinese can be half as good as your English, I will be extremely proud !"

English is just a second language in Hong Kong. It is a useful skill, but it has nothing to do with your intellengence, so just keep learning, and before you know it, you will be fluent in English.

2011-04-07 11:02:39 補充:
correction: in the 2nd paragraph, "your are" should be "you are".
參考: my past learning
2011-04-07 8:52 pm

1.Nothing is so precious as good health.

so … as : 如 … 一樣
processors aren't so fast as GPUs.
處理器不如GPU一樣快。His heart is so hard as a stone
他的心如石一樣硬 Nothing:沒有什麼東西[什麼事]Nothing is so important as family.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.
沒什麼如溫柔一樣剛強.( 以柔制剛/柔能制剛 )Nothing is so feared as loss of social prestige.沒什麼如損失聲譽一樣可怕。Nothing is so
practical as a good theory."沒什麼如好的理論一樣實際。

2. Good health is the most precious of all.
Family is the most important.家庭是最重要的。Gentleness is the most strong.溫柔是最剛強的。Freedom is the most fundamental of all Human Rights.自由是(所有人權中)最基本的人權。
Who is the most intelligent person of all nations?
2011-04-07 8:46 pm
My guess is ??Nothing is as precious as good health.

(Good) health is the most precious of all.

(Good) Health is equivalent to lots of treasure in the world.

Nobody should laugh at others even one makes mistakes. Please keep on trying and do the correction, then your English will gradually be improved. Keep on practising, reading and writing more daily.


2011-04-07 9:02 am
Nothing couldn't be so precious as compared with good health.
Good health is beyond compared with all precious things.

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