How can I lose about 10-15lbs in two months?

2011-04-07 6:21 am
5'4 - 145lbs

I can't run or jog outside because I get really embarrassed when people look at me and feel like a fool, amen't old enough to join the gym.

Anything else, I'll do. :)

回答 (10)

2011-04-07 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can only eat breakfast and launch, but not dinner. However, the breakfast must be excellent for you.
After 15:00, try to exercise indoor, like joya or gymnastics.

You do it almost everyday. it works!
參考: experience
2016-10-04 4:10 pm
of course you could! The greater physique fat you have, the least perplexing to lose it. you basically would desire to be continual and committed. exercising commonplace in the process the week, and get on an extremely healthful weight loss plan. you will probable lose greater beneficial than that. ;) good success!!
2011-04-07 11:16 am
I lost my weight up to 11 kg only eatting kelloggs chocos instead of meals every day.
eat only fruits. and drink water or drink juice when ever you will feel hungry.
Avoid oily and sweets food.and dance for 1 hour till sweat comes.
In morning drink warm water with lemon juice it burns will get result in 1 week

best luck
2011-04-07 6:34 am
For sure: (at your height and weight) you can lose 20# in 6 weeks if you go on Weight Watchers. FOLLOW THE DIET TO THE T!!!

Don't buy their prepared foods--buy and prepare fresh food. DON'T skip meals. Within 10 days, you will look better and feel better. It's like an energy rush at 10 days. You can do moderate exercise--even just walking. Just follow that diet.

It works, I've done it twice at your weight and 5'5". Also, don't use light margerine, use regular. I thought I could double my margerine by using the light, and I wound up getting dehydrated. You need a certain amount of oil in your diet for organs to function and absorb, and diet margerine didn't provide the right things for my body to run right. That's the only problem I ever had with the diet.
2011-04-07 6:29 am
dont be ashamed there is nothing to be embarresed about! You are at a healthy weight for your height!! Just watch your balanced meals and cut down on pop drinkage.the weight will come off. And go outside for a not worry about the people.there is nothing wrong with jogging or walking.and who knows?they might want to join you for a nice walk.if so you can make a new friend!
參考: experience
2011-04-07 6:25 am
i would say buy some DVDs for cardio if youre embarrassed to jog. im much heavier than you and i run outside all the time-with a giant jogging stroller as well! its definitely possible, although you sound like youre at a healthy weight. i would just try building muscle mass, probably easier for you since you dislike outside jogs. try exercised that use your own body mass as well as resistance, i.e. push ups, sit ups or crunches, tricep dips are great as well. then if you like, what i did was just bought a jump rope at wal mart and try to skip for as long as you can. its a fantastic cardio workout. or just walk. walk walk walk walk. everywhere. thats even more effective than brief jogs imo.

good luck!
2011-04-07 6:25 am
you can do stuff that you can do in ur house or basement.
push up
sit up
jumping jacks
run one spot
2011-04-07 6:23 am It tracks your calories. I don't exercise, but if I follow the calorie plan, I still lose weight. It also has a community page and lets you see what other exercises people are doing. The whole site is free.
2011-04-07 6:38 am
If you aren't old enough for the gym your not old enough to lose weight. Let your body develop first
2011-04-07 6:45 am
You don't sound overweight but if you wanna lose weight you have to eat 500-1000 calories less a day. try it will help a lot. good luck and stay healthy

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