
2011-04-07 6:52 am
友愛邨約200呎公屋裝修,廳天花,墙身油漆(鏟舊漆)連廚房廁所天花,重拉電線. 廚房,廁所重鋪墻身磚,連清泥頭,約幾錢?

回答 (12)

2011-04-07 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.) 全屋油漆(天花&墙身) $14000
2.) 廚房&廁所墙身磚 $12000
3.) 新造全屋電線(六燈六制 ,十個蘇位, 一個冷氣位) $9600
4.) 清泥頭 $7500
5.) 美的一匹窗口冷氣連安裝, 只須加 $1000
6.) 送廚廁抽氣扇共2把
7.) 再送名廠抽油煙機一部

套餐價 $41,800


ps: 全部價錢連工包料

[email protected]

2011-04-10 6:14 am
請留電郵, 方便報價! Thanks

2011-04-09 22:14:35 補充:
電9227 9777 (阮生), 電郵 [email protected]
請留電郵, 方便報價! 應該不用一萬, 並包 6個電掣位! 以上門報價為準!!
2011-04-10 4:34 am
Dont consider MakShing. He takes 5 mths to do my house and now the tiles and floors are falling apart just only one month after his work. But I can never contact him anymore. He still owes me a kitchen door and now he is looking for another 'water fish'

2011-04-12 23:07:59 補充:
Dont consider 聯合盛輝室內裝修工程. He takes 5 mths to do my house without any worker working with him; and now the tiles and floors are falling apart just only one month after his work. But I can never contact him anymore. He still owes me a kitchen door and now he is looking for another 'water fish'
2011-04-07 11:44 pm
你可以電郵比我,[email protected]藝萌工程, tel: 96288681 王生 ..
2011-04-07 5:43 pm
本公司位於深水埗, 經驗豐富, 家居裝修專家
承接大小裝修工程, 廚櫃設計 & 裝飾建材
免費報價及上門度呎服務, 提供專業意見
另有各類裝修套餐組合選擇, 明碼實價, 絕不取巧

詳細查詢請直接聯絡 新世紀家居設計
王小姐電話: 2 7 2 5 8 0 2 2 Fax: 2 7 2 5 8 0 7 7
地址: 深水埗元州街122A1地舖(九江街交界)
E-mail: [email protected]
公司網址: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/newcentury27258022
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19 分鐘前欲知更多優惠套餐詳請及資料點擊此處

2011-04-07 09:48:03 補充:
2011-04-07 5:32 pm
2011-04-07 4:45 pm
2011-04-07 3:09 pm
耍找高質素的, 找萬通, [email protected]
2011-04-07 9:09 am
我的e-mail:[email protected]
2011-04-07 8:08 am
SKAN Interior Ltd., 我們有專業設計師負責室內設計及定期到地盤監督, 以確保質素受進度. 裝修師傅亦有經驗,手工好,有交帶,
Tel: 2783 9606
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.skaninti.com

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