
但我成日玩 到左考試果一晚我會2點幾起身溫到6點幾
之後返學考 出黎既成績都OK ONLY英文差
我吾覺自己讀書比人差 成績又吾系特別差我平時上堂真系吾多聽書只系比人逼先聽下
ONLY考試果晚先溫 但D成績又吾系差
D老師做咩咁中意睇人行為黎批評人 成日叫我退學 但我想返大學喎 如果我依家努力大學我入硬...我只系上堂吾聽書姐,,但成績出黎又吾系好差 好多科都全班第一 二名D老師真系好KAI囉叼

回答 (3)

2011-04-15 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

I can analyze from the perspectives of a teacher to answer your inquiry.

1) From your description, it seems you are very inattentive and disturb others in lessons. This is not only your problem about not listening to teachers, but you are damaging classroom atmosphere and you are not obedient towards your teachers. In such a case, do not say you have no discipline problems.

2) Why do not you attend the lessons with heart? It is simply because you have no interest to study, and most importantly, you cannot get any satisfaction from study. This is a rooted problem and if that is true, it is very likely you have less potential in study in reality. You cannot argue you can get fair results with minimum efforts.

3) Your fair results in your school is probably meaningless, for you may be studying in a Band 3 school and basically the academic level is much lower than the Band 1 students outside. Take an example: You cannot use "Tai Po" ( HK Top league ranked six ) to compare with "Barcelona" ( the world best football club ), even both are representative in its territory.

4) Your teachers are giving you candid comments. You are wasting time in normal schools. Why do not consider VTC or other practical schools to learn some skills for your future career prospects? You are overrated yourself. The world is very large. If you are good enough, who would like to abandon like a trash? Think about it.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-04-07 7:48 pm

參考: 好耐無答問題,有緣見到。
2011-04-06 8:09 am
參考: 上課經驗!

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