
2011-04-06 6:34 am
請幫忙下面2段句子寫成英文, 謝謝!!

1) 關於10月, 12月, 2月及3月的佣金支票已簽出了, 隨時可以寄出, 但至今貴司仍未回覆我於3月28日電郵提出的建議. 煩請盡快給我一個回覆,或者直接來電給我. 謝謝!!

2) 想請你幫忙提供Mr. Joe的電郵地址, 讓我每次寄出支票掛號後可以直接通知Mr. Joe, 謝謝!!

回答 (2)

2011-04-07 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The cheques for the commission on October, December, February and March have been issued and they are ready to be sent out. And I have not received any reply on the suggestions that I made in the email on March 8. Can you please let me know the reply as soon as please by email or phone? Thank you.

2. Moreover, can I have Mr. Joe's email so that I can inform him directly after the cheques are sent out every time? Thanks.

佣金支票係一個專有名詞? 定係10月, 12月, 2月及3月的佣金?
我譯ge 1 係基於10月, 12月, 2月及3月的佣金? 即係 為10月, 12月, 2月及3月佣金 的支票.
如果係佣金支票係一個專有名詞ge 話...咁1 ge 開頭就要係:
The commission cheques for October, December, February and March have been issued and they are ready to be sent out.
2011-04-06 7:29 am
It's in vain to translate for someone. Our chequeses for the months... which have been issued can be sent out ... However, you have not responded to ... Please call someone who monkeyed in choosing answers. Please provide.. and choose the best answer in a fair way.

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