2011-04-06 12:39 am
There are 20 different amino acids in the human body. Twelve of them can be produced in the body by conversion from the other amino acids. These are known as non-essential amino acids.

"Twelve of them can be produced in the body by conversion from the other amino acids."

即係點呀,佢係由人體製造,之後戈句by conversion from the other amino acids就唔明啦, 即係由其他amino acids 轉換出黎??

我明戈到,但係我唔明"by conversion from the other amino acids"

回答 (2)

2011-04-06 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓上好似唔係幾對,我地身體需要23種amino acid, 當中有8種身體沒有機能自己制造,我們只能從食物中吸收,this is call essential amino acid 。而有15種人是可以從不同化學變化而得到,they are call non-essential amino acid.


2011-04-07 16:17:25 補充:


根據Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology By L. M. Srivastava

page 48,

人體有大概20種aa, (first column, 2nd last paragraph)

而2nd column 就有個table 話 有24種...

catkan, 我地都錯, 我錯於唔update....咁你呢?

其實20又好, 23又好, 24都好, 關鍵係會有愈來愈多,因為應該有好多人體的trace chemical 未發現...
2011-04-06 6:12 pm
by conversion from the other amino acids

20種amino acid中, 有8種必須由食物取得. 這8種可以在人體內被 "加工" 變多12種amino acis出來, 呢12種就係non-essential囉.

2011-04-07 10:54:21 補充:
to big ben wang: "There are 22 standard amino acids, but only 21 are found in eukaryotes." 即是, 多出來那一種(或兩種, 如總數是23的話)是細菌用的, 不是人體用的. 而21種amino acids 中, 由DNA code得出來並參與在protein synthesis 中只有20種, 所以一般書講述nutrition的話, 都寫20種amino acids. 若講的主題是biochem 就另作別論.

2011-04-14 14:30:23 補充:
第一, 樓主比較關心既係如何conversion, 所以確實幾多種a.a.不是本題重點.

第二, 請讓在下[重申], 不是在biochemistry之下討論, 而是在biology 的 nutrition 與 protein synthesis 之下的討論. 如果只在prokaryote 出現的 amino acid 不應納入 nutrition 的討論, 沒有說在biochemistry之下不可以.

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