relative clause(which 同where)

2011-04-06 12:28 am
relative clause(which 同where既分別)
幾時用where 同which?
all realative caluse係用黎形容main cluse 定addictiona information?選擇用邊個relative clause係跟前個句定後個句?
1.this is the museum which we visited last month.
2.tom likes going to libaraies where he can find and read a lot of books.

回答 (3)

2011-04-06 4:31 am
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而where其實有at which, to which, in which的意思(但沒有from which)

所以,當句子有at which, in which, to which意思時,我們會用where,如:

This is the city where I was born.(這句的where=in which)
Where shall we go?(這句的where=to which)


relative clause有限定關係子句(defining relative clause)與非限定關係子句(non-defining relative clause)

That is the boy who wrote the story.(那就是寫這故事的男孩)

I will teach the boy, who cannot afford the tuition fee.(我將會教那男孩,而他不能應付學能。

而Tom likes going to libraries where(= in which) he can find and read a lot of books. 看括號的英文,你就知為甚麼用where

This is th museum which we visited last month.因沒有in,at, from which之意,所以用which不用where

2011-04-06 3:35 am
where = in which (在該處/在該地方) (1)This is the museum which we visited(vt.參觀/訪問/探訪) last month (correct) . This is the museum where/in which we visited(vi.逗留) last month (incorrect). (2) Tome likes going to libaries where(= in which 在該處) he can find and read a lot of books (correct).
2011-04-06 2:24 am
1. where = place
which = items and animals

2. Relative clause is used to explain or supplement information about
the target, not the main clause. In other words, a relative clause
equals adjectival part.

3. the previous one

4. If you specifically describe a certain museum,
then you should use "where".
But, actually, "where" is acceptable in the sentence.

5. As mentioned above.

Hope you find it useful.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:39:23
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