
2011-04-05 2:56 am
全港band1,Band2,Band3的女校 ,(附上各女校簡介,e.g.校風 ,以甚麽語言為主要教學語言 ,入讀大學機會率(大概),有冇人吸毒,食煙,打交,會5會搞同性戀之類....一定要講e幾樣,有其他更好


回答 (4)

2011-04-05 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The details of Hong Kong Girls Colleges as follows:

1) 女拔萃 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Jordan

2) 聖瑪利 -- Top Band 1 EMI in TST

3) 英華女校 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Central

4) 庇理羅士 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Tin Hau

5) 瑪利諾修院 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Kowloon Tong

6) 協恩 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Kowloon City

7) 聖保祿 -- Top Band 1 EMI in CWB

8) 瑪利曼 -- Top Band 1 EMI in Happy Valley

9) 德望 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Clear Water Bay

10) 嘉諾撒 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Pokfulam

11) 聖士提反女子 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Central

12) 蕭明 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Kwai Chung

13) 上智 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Shek Kip Mei

14) 聖傑靈 -- Middle Band 1 EMI in Kwun Tong

15) 聖嘉勒 -- Bottom Band 1 CMI in Mount Davis

16) 藍田聖保祿 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Lam Tin

17) 保祿六世 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Shek Lei

18) 聖家 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Kowloon Tong

19) 劉金龍 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Tuen Mun

20) 培德 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Aberdeen

21) 德愛 -- Bottom Band 1 EMI in Wong Tai Sin

22) 真光女書院 -- Bottom Band 1 CMI in YMT

23) 九龍真光 -- Bottom Band 1 CMI in Kowloon Tong

24)梁式芝 -- Top Band 2 EMI in Kwun Tong

25)聖母玫瑰 -- Top Band 2 EMI in Kowloon Tong

26)聖母 -- Top Band 2 CMI in Wong Tai Sin

27)香港培道 -- Top Band 2 CMI in Kowloon City

28) 聖安當 -- Band 2 CMI in Kwun Tong

29) 德雅 -- Band 2 CMI in Kowloon Tong

30) 德貞 -- Band 2 CMI in Shum Shui Po

31) 寶血女子 -- Bottom Band 2 CMI in Chai Wan

32) 何東 -- Bottom Band 2 CMI in CWB

33) 德蘭 -- Band 2 - 3 CMI in Ho Man Tin

34) 香港聖瑪加利 -- Band 2 - 3 DSS in Central

Basically the graduates from 1 - 23 have very high university entrance rate, say on average over 80% per school. There is no drug abuse, smoking or severe discipline problems. The learning atmosphere there are excellent.

Schools 24 - 27 have also no such problem except their academic results are weaker.

Schools 28 - 34 are relatively weakest Girls schools and the mentioned problems exist elsewhere. Those I list at the bottom are most problematic.

In general, the majority of Girls College are excellent in academic and good in promotion rate. They are relatively pure and I am pretty sure you can learn a lot from there. You can skip only the bottom few schools.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-09-09 6:40 am
i want to say聖母are not a CMI school,it should be a EMI school.alought it is a Top Band 2 school.and聖母's people are very nice,but still will have some tb(男女校都會有大把喇).
2011-04-08 10:26 am
最好女拔萃and 庇理羅士同cwb st paul3間band1
cwb stpaul唔收期他學校
2011-04-06 12:04 am
我何文達是赤柱八間屋原居民, 現在正申報我在赤柱大街的祖屋成為香港法定古蹟. 妳要知道英國在販毒戰爭中用武力侵佔香港, 搶走許多香港人財物.當時侵華英軍大部分都是基督徒. 所以妳未到18歲思想未成熟時不要入讀 拔萃女書院. 因為過早被迫偏信某神對妳的心智發展有不利的影響. 最好入讀無宗教信仰的學校, 如 何東中學 就係最好最可靠的中學了,起碼不會迫妳上耶穌堂,浪費妳的時間

強烈要求校政民主化,收回全港教會中小學的辦學權 ^^

2011-04-05 16:05:21 補充:
在香港主辦 聖母院書院 的無玷聖母獻主會神父性侵犯二千五百名加拿大學生




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