✔ 最佳答案
You are a typical Band 2 student with weaker ability in English. You are recommended to apply for some typical Band 2 schools using Chinese as the main medium of instruction.
My suggested choices for your considerations are ( in both genders as you have not highlighted your sex ). The schools include those from Kwun Tong and Tseung Kwan O districts:
1) 順利天主教中學
2) 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學
3) 滙基書院(東九龍)
4) 基督教臻美黃乾亨小學暨初中學校
5) 聖安當女書院
6) 聖若瑟英文中學
7) 聖公會梁季彝中學
8) 聖公會基孝中學
9) 仁濟醫院羅陳楚思中學
10) 五邑司徒浩中學
11) 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學
12) 中華基督教會基智中學
13) 寧波公學
14) 寧波第二中學
15) 基督教中國佈道會聖道迦南書院
16) 仁濟醫院王華湘中學
17) 基督教宣道會宣基中學
18) 港澳信義會慕德中學
19) 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學
20) 保良局甲子年中學
21) 鄭植之中學
You can further consult your school teachers and compare each before decision making. On the other hand, you should also visit each school's website to compare their visions, school objectives and see if they are suitable for your characters.
Hope I can help you.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip