
2011-04-04 9:05 pm

1. A customer can not delete submitted order form, unless this is our company problem.除非證實是由本公司引起之原因,否則客戶提交訂貨單後,均不能取消。
2. Please contact us if your company needs related product certification for the product quality or needs self-testing product samples. 倘若貴公司需要相關產品證書證明該產品的質量或需要相關產品樣品自行化驗,請與我們聯絡。
3. We will adjust market of price accordingly. 我們會根據市場的價格作出適當的調整。
4. The customers must fill in order making orders, oral say is not acceptable. 客戶必須填寫訂貨單訂貨,口頭下單一律不接納。
5. The earth would be brisk again as long as we participate actively in energy saving together. 只要我們齊心積極地節約能源,地球回復生氣勃勃。 6. package items of every month can not change. 每月套餐內的產品項目是不可以更改的。

回答 (5)

2011-04-04 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. A customer cannot cancel submitted order form, unless it is caused by our company [].除非證實是由本公司引起之原因,否則客戶提交訂貨單後,均不能取消。
2. Please contact us if your company needs related product certification on the product quality or needs product samples for (your own) testing. 倘若貴公司需要相關產品證書證明該產品的質量或需要相關產品樣品自行化驗,請與我們聯絡。 [(your own)未必需要的。]
3. We will adjust the market price accordingly. 我們會根據市場的價格作出適當的調整。
4. The customers must fill in order form to place orders, verbal order is not acceptable. 客戶必須填寫訂貨單訂貨,口頭下單一律不接納。
5. The earth would be healthier as long as we participate actively in energy saving []. 只要我們齊心積極地節約能源,地球回復生氣勃勃。
[brisk不是這意思,是活躍的交易或往來,不是地球的生氣,改用擬人法的形容heathier, happier, more vibrant, more alive。We已經表達了together無須重複。因為你的重點是energy saving,並不是together.]
6. package items of the month cannot change. 每月套餐內的產品項目是不可以更改的
[用every month沒有錯,但是由於你的意思是指定的「月餐」,所以一般英語會用xx of the month來表示每月特選,那麼每個月都是當月(the month),便不會誤會every month所表示的所有每一個月都是相同的意思。]
2011-04-05 8:05 am
唔係呀! 唔好意思!

其實......其他是更好.....不過, 他有詳細解釋, 可以令我明白多一點英文用法......... 所以今次選擇了他......... 下次我會選擇一個最好的。


2011-04-06 20:10:00 補充:
waiman... 知道....我受教....感恩....

hkslot .... 我選擇的原因是這句 The earth would be healthier as long as we participate actively in energy saving. 只要我們齊心積極地節約能源,地球回復生氣勃勃。

不過....hkslot ....對不起... 我日後會小心看清楚! 謝謝您提點!
2011-04-05 5:06 am
Brison Lam, why don't you chose the best one out of all answers? You are monkeying here!

2011-04-06 12:09:27 補充:
Brison Lam : 欣然接受別人意見, 確實難能可貴,也很值得欣賞. hkslot 是英語達人, 其譯本實屬專業之作, 從中可以學習到正確的英語用法和修詞手法.
2011-04-04 11:43 pm
1. Unless proven the reasons of our company, purchase orders are NOT cancelable after the submission of purchase order forms.2. If your company requires any related product certifications for proof of quality, or any product samples for laboratory tests, kindly contact our company.3. Our product prices will be adjusted according to the market prices.4. Please fill in and subscribe purchase order forms for purchasing purposes. Oral orders are not accepted.5. Product items included in our monthly packages are NOT subject to any changes. 6. Provided that we strive to conserve energy, we can bring vitality to our planet.

2011-04-06 00:16:35 補充:
package items of the month cannot change...

2011-04-06 18:11:58 補充:
謝謝 waiman, 我不是甚麼達人, 仍在邊做邊學... 參與, 只是希望網上世界多點正確資訊和正能量, 希望你也能從幫助人中享受滿足, cheers
參考: hkslot
2011-04-04 9:47 pm
1. Customers are not allowed withdrawing the submission forms, unless this is the problem caused by our company.除非證實是由本公司引起之原因,否則客戶提交訂貨單後,均不能取消2. If customers need any approval or certification in connection with the quality of our products, or any samples for self-testing, please contact us.倘若貴公司需要相關產品證書證明該產品的質量或需要相關產品樣品自行化驗,請與我們聯絡。3. The prices of the products will be adjusted (regularly) according to the situation of the market.我們會根據市場的價格作出適當的調整。4. Our company does not accept any forms of order except applying subscriptions to our products.客戶必須填寫訂貨單訂貨,口頭下單一律不接納。5. Contents of monthly packages cannot be changed. 每月套餐內的產品項目是不可以更改的。6. We should preserve the resources of the Earth. (呢句要尼做咩?)只要我們齊心積極地節約能源,地球回復生氣勃勃。

2011-04-04 16:01:34 補充:
1. Customers are not allowed withdrawing the submission forms in any cases, except there is a proven problem caused by our company.
參考: me

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