
2011-04-04 8:36 pm
會於今年5月7日至 17日遊 東歐 Prague > CK >Vienna > Salzburg > Munich / Fussen
因"估計"未算Peak season, 想Flexible D, 打算只 Book頭 2 天 Prague Hotel, 唔知會唔會太"勇"?
(My hotel budget: average HKD 800/ night (incl. 2 people), 3 stars or above, 容易於那段時間book 到嗎?)
另, 火車票也打算到時才買, 可行嗎?

回答 (2)

2011-04-05 12:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I guess there should be no problem since it is not the peak season, but you may need time to find the hotel which is within your budget.

For train ticket, you should buy the train pass which will be much cheaper. There are a lot of types of train passes and you should find the one which best suits you and is the most economic. Buying tickets there trip by trip will be very expensive.
2011-04-04 10:51 pm
有朋友自駕遊, 係到左每一站先上網去book下一站既酒店

不過你酒店budget是否太少呢?? 因為歐洲的生活指數好高, 隨便食個早餐, 得份三文治同一杯咖啡都要成港紙$80-90, 要四星或以上酒店, 無二千應該唔得囉!

或者你可以試吓上網search吓啲酒店, 打個日子入去, 睇吓個room rate再計劃一吓

另外歐洲有不少B&B, 係人地屋大, 將啲房短租俾啲自由行既旅\遊人士, 會平租啲, 不過當然就唔會有room service既服務啦!

火車票買euro pass平好多喎!

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